Sneak Peak

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What's a better way to get you into it than to give you a sneak peak!!!

Chapter 1

It was winter at camp half blood, and most of the campers had just come back from their house because it was Christmas time. Ellie was one of these campers. However she had to come back to camp early, because she had gotten sick, and was in no condition to fight monsters. She was safe in the magical borders of camp.

However Percy had to pay for this. He had only stayed with his mom a day, because he lived so close to camp. Through all hours of the night Ellie was sniffling and coughing, and sometimes throwing up. Percy constantly wondered why she wasn't in the infirmary. She had asked to a couple of times, but all the Apollo kids said she would be fine, and it wasn't necessary.

Now Ellie was even worse than usual. She would barely move... ever. She was also never hungry, and would only do anything when Percy made her, and even that took a lot of pestering.

No monsters had come into camp since Ellie's birthday, which was good thing, but she told Percy a couple of dreams, when she was feeling up to it, with Gaea talking to her.

Percy told Annabeth a couple, who told Chiron, which meant the whole camp was high alert at all times. Training time was tripled for everyone, which a lot of people weren't to happy about.

* * * * * *


I was feeling a little better today, I was actually sitting up and eating, and talking, and even laughing.

"Percy, i'm... I'm scared."

"Of what" he replied

"I can't stop thinking about my birthday. That day Gaea talked to me. That's the real reason I haven't been doing much of anything. I mean I am sick, but I'm terrified I won't make it to fifteen."

"Ellie don't worry, no monsters have even been seen around camp borders the past eight months."

"And why do you think that is? Maybe because they gave up, but thats not likely. It's probably because they are all teaming up and waiting for the right time to attack. I can't leave for a while no matter what condition i'm in."


"Percy you know i'm right. I have the all of 'the big threes' in my blood. I'm like a monster magnet..." she started having a coughing attack.

"Ellie how long have you been sick like this?"

"About two weeks. Why?"

"Well the Apollo kids you would be better by now. At least getting better if this was just an ordinary flu. You're not anywhere near better. If anything worse."

"Yes...and your point." I say between coughs.

"Did you by any chance encounter any monsters while you were at home?"

"Well there was those grain monsters, and that harpy and... the drakon." I say the last one quieter so Percy doesn't get upset, but that didn't work.

"A drakon!! Ellie you promised you'd come back to camp when something big happened."

"I... I know, but I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I opened the front door and it was looking at me. My dad had just gotten home, and ran over its tail with the car. I took out my sword and stabbed it while it was distracted."

"Ellie you promised! Now look at you."

"Percy nothing happened. Nothing went wrong. I'm just..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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