Chatper 22

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I'm in my cabin alone. I'll probably be here for the next week or so. Chiron handed me a sheet of paper before he left. It was my schedule for training/schooling. Also before he left i'm pretty sure he locked the front door. I haven't tried to open it, because I have nowhere else to be, but I think he did.

I try to fall asleep, which takes more time than I thought.

After I fall asleep I dream, which is never good. I dream about what I saw when the Griffin took me. I saw all the titans together, and all the giants together. They must be in Tartarus. They were making a plan to destroy the gods once and for all.

Then the scene changed. I was at camp. Britney, Taylor, and Alex were there, but their eyes were glowing a golden color. Britney even had a sword They kept saying in a creepy voice that wasn't theirs "Where is Perseus Jackson. He must be destroyed."

I woke up to Percy shaking me. "Ellie its time for dinner."

I got up. I was sweating through my shirt, so I decided to change it quick.

Percy and I started to walk to the dining hall. All of a sudden an IM appeared in front of me. It was Britney, Alex, and Taylor. "Oh hey guys how..."

"Your mom showed us" says Britney

"Guess what?" says Alex. Taylor slaps her in the arm.

"You said I got to tell her. Any way, we're coming to see you tomorrow." says Taylor.

I remember my dream I had with then wanting to kill Percy. "NO! No you can't."

I totally forgot Percy was standing there. "Who's this?" he asks.

"Oh. Well. This is Britney, Alex, and Taylor. And guys this is Percy Jackson my... brother." I say

"Wonderful" says Percy "Ellie you should let them come."

"Percy they can't" I say through my teeth.

"Sure they can" he says smiling "See you guys tomorrow, we got to go to dinner" he slashes through the IM.

"Percy" I say with my wide mouth open "do you know what you just did? They can't come!"

"And why not?" he says.

"I'll tell you at dinner" I say. We walk into the dining hall and sit down as a cloud nymph serves us food. tonight we have spaghetti and meatballs, with garlic bread.

"So what are you going to tell me about?" asks Percy with half a piece of garlic bread in his mouth.

"Well before you woke me up, I had a dream. My friends were at camp, and they were...different. Their eyes were glowing gold, and they were talking with raspy voices. They said..." I sigh. I don't want to tell Percy. "They said where is Perseus Jackson. He must be destroyed."

Percy stares at me with his mouth dropped open. He drops the second piece of garlic bread that's in his hand. I think he lost his appetite.

"But mortals can't get in unless we let them in right, so we just won't let them in." I say.

"Uh huh" says Percy with his mouth still open.

"I'm going to go talk to Chiron about this." I tell Percy as I get up. I walk over to Chiron.

"Ellie can I help you? He asks me.

"Yes, can we talk about it though um not here." I say.

"Sure" he says as he starts to walk out I the dining hall.

We get outside. "So what can I help you with?" he says like nothing happened at all this afternoon.

"Well" I start "A couple of my friends Iris Messaged me before, and said they were coming to camp to see me for my birthday."

"They can't come" interrupts Chiron "You're grounded"

"Chiron please this is serious. Well I had a dream earlier today. My friends were here. Their eyes were glowing gold, and they were talking all raspy. They said 'Where is Perseus Jackson. He must be destroyed'."

"Oh that is a problem. The whole camp will go on lock down when they show up. Why would you even say they could come?"

"Hey don't look at me. I said they couldn't. Mr. Seaweed Brain over there is the person you could thank for that."

"Alright go back and eat dinner. I'll announce it at camp fire"

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