Chapter 29

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We head down the hallway. Taylor keeps insisting we stay put and hug a tree. (that's what here parents told her to do if she was ever lost) Then I usually tell her to shut up. All I hear is the dripping of water. The scent of seawater is getting stronger and stronger, and the water in the cave keeps rising and rising. It gets to a point where the water is at my neck, and Taylor is short, so she is struggling to stay up.

"We have to go under" I say

"Alright i'm trusting you on this." We go under and I form a bubble around her head. We swim out of the cave and we are under water, we are in the Atlantic Ocean right off of Ellis Island. How do I know that?

I see a greenish horse looking thing off in the distance. The next thing I know rocks are flying past my head. I get hit and almost instantly black out.

* * * * * * *
I wake up in what looks like an underwater jail cell, except the bars are electric eels. I am alone. Taylor is gone. "Excuse me" I say to the eels "could you just move apart a little" they do as I ask and I squeeze out of the cell, managing to not get shocked. One of the mer-centaurs is there. He holds a spear at my throat.

"Whoa whoa whoa no need for any of that" I say pushing the spear down.

He puts the spear back up at my throat. "Don't move!" he yells at me.

"Excuse me what are you doing with our guest" says another water centaur coming down the hall.

"Who, what, where...?" I say.

"I knew you were daughter of Poseidon" says the same centaur. Wait a minute they are called Ichthyocentaurs. "I am Aphros nice to meet you. He says holding out his hand.

I shake it "Hi" I say slowly "I'm..."

"Helen Johnson. Yes I know." says Aphros

"So if you know who I am, you know i'm not a threat and i can go."

"Oh no. First you must prove your worth. You will fight some of my best mer-students. Then we shall see if you can leave."

"I don't have to kill anyone right?"

"No just fight. Lets get going this shall be fun."

He starts swimming away and I follow him. This is making my head ache worse. Next time someone hits me in the head with a rock i'm going to kill them.

We go to a giant arena. Around almost the entire thing are seats filled with mer people. In one spot there is a seventeen foot tall thrown, with a man sitting in it with black hair and sea green eyes... "Dad?" I say in shock. I swim up to him.

"Ellie!" he says with his arms spread out for a hug. I awkwardly hug him and look at him. I just stare. "What is going on?"

"I don't know. Aphros! Why is my daughter fighting in the arena?"

"I thought you would enjoy it." he says

"No." he says "go take her to a chariot that will take her back to Ellis island where her friends are looking for her."

"Yes sir" he says grabbing my hand and dragging me along. We stop at a chariot with sea horses. "Ride this they should take you to Ellis Island, to your friends."

I hop in and the seahorses start going at like two hundred miles an hour. In less then five minutes i'm on the coast of Ellis Island. The chariot throws me up in the air and leaves. I land on my behind. "Ow" I say.

I look up in the air. I see a giant boat flying in the air away from me. I start to yell for them to come back down but they can't hear me.

Of in the distance I see a little black dot. It keeps getting closer and closer. "No way" I say out loud. As the blob gets closer it turns to a beige color. "Sandy. What are you doing here?"

"Well you needed help, so here's help." she says

"Alright can you take me to the boat?"


"No need to be rude" I climb onto her back and off we fly. As soon a we get into the air, another thing goes wrong.

We had just gotten up into the air when we get knocked down by a ball of fire. I quickly put out the fire, but that doesn't slow our fall. Luckily we fall on the sand, and not the concrete road.

I looks over to the left where I see a five headed Hydra. Oh this day just gets better and better. Sandy's wing is definitely broken, so she won't be flying for a while. she starts to hobble away

I just realized, I have no idea how to kill a Hydra. If you cut off a head, two more grow back. Right now my best option is to go into the water. I dive in. The burn that I got is going away. I put my head back up above the water which is a mistake. The middle head breathes fire at me again, and I duck back under the water. I need to get a hold of Percy now, but if i'm under water I don't think an IM will work to well, plus I don't have a drachma on hand.

I see fire light up the surface of the water again. I have to do something. I can't stay down here forever. I know. I make a message out of water. It says: Percy and others this is Ellie I am under the water off the coast where you just were on Ellis Island. There is a Hydra and I don't know how to kill it. It will probably kill me soon so please help.

I send the message to the boat, I just hope they get it.

Maybe if I aim for the stomach, the thing will die. And if not, I can just go under the water again. I come back up from the water, but I lay low. I swim around it as quietly as I can, which isn't too hard considering I can control the ripples.

I get to where the sand meets the water. I crawl onto the sand, so i'm behind the monster. One of its heads turns around and shrieks at me, so do all the others, except for the one in the middle that can breath fire, who breaths fire. I make a mad dash for the water, before I am stuck in my position. I can't move.

I hear a woman laughing. It sounds evil. She floats down from the sky, and states right at me. "Did you really think you could get away that easy?" she says. Wow she is beautiful, perfect skin, perfect hair, just... Perfect.

I try to speak but I can't move. She snaps her fingers and immediately we are taken to a building that looks like a resort. I see tons of girls. They are all beautiful just like the one woman who still has me captive. She takes me into the resort into a tiny room. I hear squealing like a guinea pig. She unfreezes me and I fall to a pile on the ground.

She watches my every move as I get up. "You will be a very promising student I can tell you that." she says still watching me. "I am the sorceress Circe. It took a while, but we finally rebuild my spa and magic school after your brother and those pirates destroyed it. You my dear will be a big part in the gods iniallation."

"I will never help you." I say. It sounds so much better when I know who I'm talking to.

"Oh but you will darling. You see your Oracle of Delphi, Rachel Dare, she didn't manage to say the whole prophecy. There is so much more to you than you realize dear." she waves her hand and there is a knock at the door.

A girl with a giant smile on her ace walks in "you called me miss." she say curtsying.

"Yes, Skylar, could you take Miss Helen to get fixed up. Give her the special package." her face lights up when she says special, which makes me nervous.

The smiley girl named Skylar grabs my wrist and drags me along down what feels like twenty thousand hallways until we reach a room. "Welcome to the special room." she says

The room is filled with babies and toddlers. "What the heck is this?" I say

"Well we feel the need to start people at the beginning, so we're going to turn you into a little baby, so we can teach you from the beginning. Don't worry your aging process will be much faster than these guys, and you won't remember anything that you've experienced in the last fourteen years of your life." she says snapping her fingers. I'm immediately a baby. "don't worry I'll be back in a couple minutes to get you sweetie." she says talking like she's talking to a baby, which I guess I am now. Yippe.

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