Chapter 30

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I shrink down to a baby size. I can still remember everything, I hope I will after all of this is over.

I start growing up. In a couple of minutes, i'm at about five. In couple more minutes i'm back to my norm age. Nothing's changed. I still remember everything. I look in a mirror in the corner. I still look the same.

Skylar comes back into the room. "Ellie how are you doing?" she asks me.

"Good" I say, playing along with the whole 'I can't remember anything'.

"What's the one thing you can remember? Circe's magic isn't strong enough to erase everything. It's usually the most important thing to a person."

I think for a second. What's the most important thing to me? "Percy Jackson" I say at last. Skylar writes it down. "He's my brother, he's the son of Poseidon and he has black hair and green eyes like mine." Skylar writes that down too.

"Come along" she says walking out of the room. I follow her like i'm a puppy that doesn't know any better. We go into this other room it looks like a beauty salon. She motions me to sit in one of the chairs. I obey. "Your stylist Amanda should be here shortly."

A girl walks in. "Hello" she says. She looks about 17 or 18 "I am Amanda. You may leave now Skylar." Skylar leaves the room. "Oh my dear what have you been doing?"

I look at myself. She's right I look awful. There's mud all over my face and caked underneath my fingernails. My hair is in a frizzy braid that is falling out. My clothes are all tattered and ripped, and I have cuts up and down my arms. "Well i was... Uh... I don't know" I say. I almost slipped up there. I need to remember I can't remember anything.

First she takes out some tweezers and starts plucking at my eyebrows.. I try not to squeal in pain. Then she rubs off the mud that's on my face so hard I feel she took off a layer of skin with the dirt. She brushes through my hair, which makes it look golden, and takes out a curling iron and starts curling it. I look better, my skin even looks like its glowing. By the time she's done, I look like a goddess. I can't believe it's me.

Then she starts doing makeup, which I despise. She takes out pink lipstick and applies it on me. She also puts some sliver sparkly lipgloss over the lipstick. She puts on some silver eyeliner and some pink blush. The pink and silver match my eyes.

She takes out a silver, diamond, starfish, hair clip, and pins it into my hair.

She grabs my hand and starts cleaning out the dirt from underneath my nails. After she's done with that, she gives me a silver French manicure. She does the same with my toes.

Then Amanda goes into a closet on the other side of the room. She pulls out a simple white dress, and hands it to me. "Put this on"she says pointing to a door at the end of the room. I go into it and start to change. It's a small room, with a mirror on one side. I changed out of my old clothes and put on the dress. Surprisingly it was quite comfortable, especially for being a dress. I look at myself in the mirror i'm thinner than I was before. I guess i'm okay with that.

I walk out of the room and Amanda hands me a silver belt and a pair of silver shoes. The shoes look like there a size four. "Uh I don't think these will fit..." I look down at my feet. They've shrunk about five sizes. I put on the belt and the shoes. It's weird to see my feet so small.

"Well now that you're suitable for Circe, she will teach you. She doesn't just teach anyone you know. You should be honored."

I blush and smile, trying to make it look this is the coolest thing ever. I guess it could be cool, learning magic, that might be useful.

Amanda leads me back to Circe's office. She teaches me spells like levitating, controlling the Mist, teleporting, which probably wasn't the smartest thing, and sending holographic images to far away places. She said all of these things would be useful when my time came.

She sent me to my room to practice the spells. Skylar showed me my room. It was a white bed with a blue and green bedspread, and white circles. It looked like the ocean. Hung all around the room were silver flowers and starfish. Skylar left and I knew which spell I would try first. I needed to tell Percy where I was. I decided to use the holographic image one. I did the spell correctly, and an image started to show. It was a boat. Percy and Annabeth were standing there kissing. Taylor was tied to a post, watching them.

"Um guys this might be a bad time but..." I start to say.

"Oh my gods Ellie." Says Percy with his arms open running towards me.

"Whoa. Stop." I say "Guys i'm not actually here right now. It's an image. I'm in Circe's island right now. She says i'm going to help destroy the gods, and she taught me a couple spells."

Leo walks up onto the deck. "Whoa Ellie why are you so... Hot"

"Don't talk about it. I tried to mess up my hair, but it just keeps being perfect. Not one word Valdez."

"Ya" says Percy "Not one more word about my sister being hot Valdez."

Annabeth punches him in the arm. "We're coming to get you."

"No!" I say "I can teleport there, just stay there this may take some time."

"Didn't we like totally destroy that place?" says Percy.

"Yes now shut up." I say. I close my eyes and perform the spell. Before I know it i'm on the boat. I shut off the other image, which is now just a picture of my room. I turn around and smile. Leo nearly passes out, and Percy and Annabeth mouths drop open, and Taylor, who is still tied to a post, her eyes nearly pop out of her head. "You people can get really annoying" I say crossing my arms.

Piper walks up to the deck "Leo the engine is making a weird... Oh my gods, you're almost as beautiful as My mother."

They all keep staring at me. "Guys seriously snap out of it." I say snapping in front of Percy's face, which doesn't work. I take out my sword and put it at Annabeths neck. The only person who does anything is Leo and he says "She is so cute when she's aggressive." that however gets Percy's attention.

"Stop saying that Valdez." says Percy turning to look at him.

"Make me Jackson." Leo says.

I'm tired of this. Maybe I should have stayed with Circe. I walk over to Taylor and cut the ropes that she wad tied up with. Then I go down to the lower deck. Jason, Frank, and Hazel are talking around a table, at least I think it's Frank and Hazel. I mean who else would it be.

"Ellie?" says Jason "When did..."

"You didn't I did it all myself. Can you show me my room?"

"Sure Leo just finished building it." he leads me down a hall with a series of doors, he points to the one on the end. "Leo took his time on this one." says Jason. Then he leaves.

I open the door and find the room is an underwater themed. The walls look like the bedspread at Circe's spa. The bedspread is sea green, and in the bedside table is an aquarium, with a ton of fish. I take the silver starfish out of my hair, and put it on the table. I lay down on my bed. I start to cry. Then I stop because I don't want anyone to see and knowing what people do someone will come in. I look in the mirror. My makeup hasn't smeared at all.

I want to crack the mirror, I want to look like I did before. I may have had pimples and huge feet, but it was me. This is not me, this is a Barbie doll meant to resemble me.

There's a knock on the door. "It's open!" I yell. Someone walks in, but the door blocks them so I can't see them. I walk over to the door, and there stands Alex, and Britney and another person. A girl. Her presence is cold. Shes wearing blue, and she has dark hair. Her eyes are as cold as ice. No warmth or welcom.

"Who... Who are you?" I ask backing away.

"Don't move and none of your friends will get hurt." she says

I freeze. I just stand there. Alex and Britney come and tie a rope around me. I try to stay calm, but it's a bit difficult when you're being tied up and taken somewhere you don't know. A flurry of snow came and swooped me up and it flew me away.

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