Chapter 27

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Nothing happened to much at camp. There were a couple monsters, but not many. Annabeth came running up to me. "Where's Ellie? Chiron just told me to make sure she was with you because she wasn't with him."

"I sent her to Chiron a half hour ago." I say

"You don't think she ran away again do you?" asked Annabeth

"No she has no where to run to."

"Well I say three girls I didn't recognize go over to the big house. They threw some green balls at the door step, and then walked into the woods. Maybe they kidnapped Ellie."

Just then an IM appeared in front of us. It was Ellie.

"Thank the gods. Ellie are you okay..." I start to say.

Ellie puts her finger in front of her mouth. She points behind her and I see why she walked us to be quiet. In the room are every monster you can imagine. Also there are titans and some of the giants.

"Percy I got one of my friends back to normal" she whispers as she point to the person next to her. I think that one is Taylor. "I have no idea where I am, but I think we're underground."

"Didn't you think to ask someone?"

"Who am I supposed to ask, this one who doesn't remember anything that happened today, my friends who are trying to kill you, or all the monsters behind me?"

"Okay bad plan. We'll get a group of people and come to find you. Also you could try to call Dad, he might be able to help."

"Oh ya I'll just take my cell phone and give him a call." says Ellie.

"We would have one if you didn't throw mine across the room." says the girl next to Ellie.

"Taylor we can't use a cell phone" says Ellie rolling her eyes "just find us" she says to me. Then she slashes her hand through the IM and she's gone.

"Well" I say "At least we know she's okay"

"Okay?" says Annabeth looking at me like i'm a baboon. "Percy she's in a room with about ten thousand monsters and you think she's okay?"

"Alright at least we know she's alive" I say

"Not for long if we don't get help. C'mon let's go get some people."

We get Jason, Piper, and Leo (that took a lot of persuasion considering what happened not even an hour ago).

Also Hazel and Frank had just come to visit, so they agreed to come along too.

"So where Are we heading" asked Leo. (he was really excited about his so we are now riding on the Argo II. This brings back memories)

"My dad said near Ellis Island there was a spike in monster presence, so we go there and Hazel should be able to find then if they're underground" i say

"But if your dad said that it would have to be in his territory which is the water. How are supposed to go underwater? We can't all breath under water like you Percy" Says Jason

"When ever Percy and I go under water together, he puts an air bubble around me. Can you do that to everyone?" asks Annabeth.

"I guess" says Percy.

"We'll be near Ellie... I mean Ellis Island in about a half an hour" says Leo.

I glare at him. I don't want a guy like that dating my sister, especially since she's still only 13.

Annabeth grabs my hand. "Cmon seaweed brain" she takes me down to the stables, where the glass bottom of the boat is.

"It's a good thing Coach Hedge isn't here he would probably ground us now." I say

Annabeth leans her head on my shoulder. She and I sit and stare down at the buildings pass by for a while. Then she looks up at me. "Leo's not a bad guy."

"Your only little sister didn't kiss him." I say.

"Percy, Ellie is 14 I think she can handle some things on her own, besides Leo has been lonely lately. He needs someone."

"Can it be someone other than my sister?"

"Percy" Annabeth says, pushing me over. "You should be happy for Ellie."

I smile and sit back up. "Alright if it'll make you happy i'll give them my blessing"

"Your blessing?" she says smiling.

"Yes" I say "My dad passed it on to me by giving me the responsibility to protect her."

"Well" says Annabeth getting up "if I was your dad, I'd take that responsibility back, and give it to a seahorse." she starts to run away after she says that.

"Oh Annabeth Chase you are something else" I say running after her. She runs into her room and locks the door. "You're going to have to leave your room sometime, and I'll be waiting for you." I say. I take of my shoes and leave them by the door so she'll think i'm still standing there if she looks under the door.

I go to my room and lay on the bed. I pull out a picture of Ellie, that I took out of her suitcase when she was sleeping. It's a picture of her and her mom and I think her stepdad. They look happy together, which makes me feel worse about her being kidnapped. "I'm sorry Ellie. I will find you." I whisper as I put the picture over my heart.

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