Chapter 20

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"Well I think you're ready" says Chiron.

"Ready for what?"

"Time to meet your father" replies Chiron. "You can think about who you want to bring."

I immediately know I want to bring Percy and Annabeth. They've been with me through it all so far.

I look at Percy. He looks a little upset. "Uh Percy, you okay?"

"Oh sure" he says "Why wouldn't I be."

"Are you upset because I beat you?" I ask a little annoyed.

"No. You're not ready to go on this quest." he tells me.

"Percy this isn't really a quest..."

"You don't get it Ellie, you may not think its a big deal, but this is huge. In case you haven't been here the lay two weeks, oh wait you haven't because you've been unconscious."

"Percy you've met dad before I haven't. I want to meet him, and if you don't think I can go well then maybe you shouldn't come."

"Oh If you're going so am I. I'm not leaving you alone in the mortal world."

"Uh in case you didn't notice I've lived in the mortal world for almost 14 years. That's two more than you EVER did."

"You lived in Wisconsin" he yells at me. "this is New York. Even if you weren't a demigod you wouldn't be able to handle it. You can't do everything on your own."

"I'm not going on my own, i'm just not going with you. Besides you can't do everything by yourself either. If it weren't for your friends the whole world would have been destroyed. Right now this isn't about YOU!" I yell and storm of.

I go to the woods by the creek. Someone will find me there but I don't care. I'm actually there alone for about ten minutes. I see Chiron walking through the brush.

"Ellie I know you really want to see your dad." says Chiron.

"Course I do, I've just had a fake one for the last fourteen years of my life thinking he's my real dad."

"But you are not leaving camp without Percy." says Chiron.

"Why do I have to go with him, he doesn't believe in me." I say.


"I can't go with him."

"Helen Johnson listen to me. You are not leaving camp borders unless Perseus Jackson is at your side! Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal" I say.

Chiron gallops away. I stand up, and start heading to my cabin. I walk up the steps and I see Percy laying in his bed. I step inside.

"Well" he said "bout time you got here."

"You made Chiron tell me I can't go without you didn't you?" I say

"Maybe, maybe not." he says.

"Well you coming?"

"No" he says plainly.

"But Percy I've never gotten to meet dad. This is a big deal."

"Ellie if you don't want me to come I won't."

"But you have to Percy... Please." I want to slap him, or cry, or maybe both.

"Ellie i'm not going" he says getting up. "End of discussion."

I am filled with rage. I want to scream. Percy starts walking toward the door.

"No Percy this isn't the end of the discussion!" I say stamping my foot. A wave of water washes him back to his bed.

"Ellie you won't get everything you want in life, this is one of those things." he says leaving. I let him leave this time.

After he's out of ear shot I say "fine if you're not going then I'll just go with someone else."

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