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           I woke up coughing like I marinated in the plague! "What's wrong with him?" Jasper asked, concerned. "He just has the flu, Jasper. Unfortunately, he'll be alright."        

        "I'm right here," I croaked, coughing a couple more times. My entire body ached! My throat was sore and itchy. "I'll bring him some soup later."        
        "Can you bring it now?" Jasper asked with a smile. Prudence nodded and exited the room. "He's gonna poison me," I coughed, "I just know it." Jasper giggled and sat at my bed side, petting my hair back.  "He gave it to me."        
        "Gave you what?" Jasper asked. "He gave me the damn flu when he tackled me into the pool." Jasper giggled again, "I know. I'm sorry." His eyebrows furrowed. "You okay?” He nodded, "just worried about you."        
        "Why? Prudence doesn't seem to worry too much."        
        "H-he'll come around sooner or later."        
        "Or never…”         
        "Don't think like that!"        
         "Jasper, what I did to you as a kid, Prudence will never forget. Not to mention forgive." Jasper sighed sadly and leaned on his knee. "I guess," he pouted. I smiled warmly. I never noticed how cute Jasper can be when you get to know him.
         Prudence came back in the room. "Jasper, you need to study."        
         "But I need to stay with Seth!"        
         "Now Jasper," he said sternly. My insides squeezed nervously. "Fine," Jasper groaned, giving a reassuring squeeze of my hand before leaving the room. Prudence glared at me as he followed Jasper downstairs. "Great," I sighed. I fell on the bed while staring up at the ceiling. I wonder how those two can be related yet at the same time be such opposites.  I rubbed my wrist gently. They were still very red and blistered from my bounds. I don’t suppose they will be going away any time soon.    
        A few minutes later, Prudence came back in with chicken noodle soup. "Eat it," Prudence ordered, setting it on the night stand. I gulped nervously as I sat up. I set the bowl in my lap and began to eat. It was really good! In the corner of my eye, I saw Prudence smirk. Just watch the soup be poisoned…        
        As I finished, I peered up. His smile diminished. I sighed sadly and handed him the bowl. "Lay down," Prudence commanded, leaving the room. I did as he said and rolled over on my side. Getting Prudence to like me is like getting a balloon to marry a cactus. It's not going to work out.         
        My coughing continued. It went on nonstop for hours. Prudence stormed in! I jolted up and pressed against the wall. "Drink this!" He ordered, shoving a glass of juice in my face. I shook my head, terrified he might hurt me. He sighed angrily. "Drink. It." I whimpered, pulling the blanket closer to me.  He groaned as he set the glass down next to me and stormed back out. I peered in the glass cup and sniffed it. It smelled safe enough to drink. I picked it up and took a sip. It tasted alright too so I started to drink more. When the cup was empty I started feeling dizzy and tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open! They slowly closed and I fell limp in my bed.         
       Night time came sooner than I had expected. I couldn't see anything but pitch black. My arms and legs were wrapped by the blanket and… Arms were wrapped around my waist! I was too weak and tried to move! My heartbeat quickened. I don't think Jasper would do this! Then again, neither would Prudence! I flinched, causing the person next to me to sit up, startled! I shut my eyes quickly; afraid they could notice I was awake! They leaned over, brushing their hand across my tummy. I can't tell who it is! They bent over to my neck and hovered there. Chills ran down my spine as their breath warmed my neck. I whimpered quietly. The person who was hunched over me, sprung out of the bed and gasped. It was a male gasp, no doubt there. I lied as still as possible. Whoever it was burst out of the room! I moaned and forced myself to roll over. A stream of moonlight illuminated my window.  "Who-" Before I could finish my sentence, my couching erupted out of nowhere. "Damn it!" I hissed, calming down.         
        I couldn't sleep. The event baffled me too much. There's no way the person lying next to me was Prudence. There's no way! Then again, Jasper lying next to me in bed is just as unlikely. So who was it?
        Jasper came around ten in the morning to check on me. "Seth!" He beamed brightly, "how are you feeling?" I grunted, "Alright. Still feel like crap especially from last night." Jasper still smiled, "I'm sorry. It must have been your cough.... I'll have Prudence give you something for it!"        
        Jasper seemed too nice to be "that" good of a liar, but how in the hell could it be Prudence that slept with me? I know he probably drugged me, but Jasper could have asked him to do that…"Prudence!" Jasper called. A few minutes later, Prudence walked in groggily, rubbing his eyes. "What is it now, Jas?"        
        "Seth didn't sleep good last night! Can you get him something for his cough?" He sighed and leaned against the doorway, "why don't you do it if you want it so bad?"        
        "Prudeeeeeeeence!" Jasper whined. Prudence gave him a disapproved look. Jasper groaned and caressed my face, "I'll be right back."        
        "I'll watch him."        
        "Thankies!" Jasper smiled while running out. Well, this didn't help me decide. Prudence watched me intently with dark rings around his eyes. He seemed exhausted. “Prudence?" I asked, timidly. "What?" He snapped. "W-what are your thoughts about me?"        
        "You're a little pest who doesn't know when to die." Wow…Thanks… "Maybe I will." I whispered. His eyes glistened. "What?" I asked, "You don't like me anyway right? I'm just a pest who doesn't know when to die? Maybe I'll die tonight. Get a load off your back." His eyes became calm. "Seth?"        
        My mouth dropped on hearing my name come out his mouth without it being hateful. "Y-yes?"        
        "Try to kill yourself. I dare you." I didn't know what to think of that. Did he mean it or was it a warning not to?        
          "I got it!" Jasper yelled, running in the room with a bottle of cough syrup. I smiled. Jasper giggled. Prudence glared.        

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