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            The banging became louder as Prudence stood up. He reached for his gun at the back of his waist band. "Wait," I croaked. He peered down at me with that same glare I always get. I gulped, "let me talk to them. Please Prudence. They're family just like you said. I can't watch them die." He shook his head. "They started it."

        "No!" I snapped, "You did! Now can you at least act like you give damn about Jasper?" He stared at me shocked. “What are you talking about? I do care about my cousin."
        "Then go upstairs. Let me talk to the people outside. If I can't get them to leave then- Y-you can start shooting. But until then just let me speak." Prudence gazed over at Jasper and cupped his cheek. Jasper smiled fearfully and held his cousin’s hand. "Fine," he whispered.
        "I'm going to break down this door in ten seconds!" Another male voice called. "I-I'm coming!" I yelled. Prudence gave me a worried glance and took Jasper upstairs quickly. As I took a deep breath, I unlocked the front door and stepped outside. Hands clutched the collar of my shirt and threw me against the wall! "Wait!" A woman yelled, "Venom?" She gasped. "Will people stop calling me that," I groaned in pain.        
          "Eagle was right! You were here!" She smiled happily. As one of the guys tried to enter the house, I pushed him aside and shut the door, blocking their way. "Move!" He commanded. "I can't do that, Reaper." 
        "Venom, what's going on?" I shook my head, "I don't know what you came here for, but I'm not moving."
        "Maybe if I blow his head off, then he'll move!" I looked at the guy pointing a 14 caliber at my forehead. "Stitches don't!" Ghost growled. I smirked and eyed Ghost, my former "best friend". "I won't comment on the new kid's name, but Ghost?” She gazed at me worryingly. “Eagle is dead." The three gang members were taken a back for a moment. "W-what do you mean he's dead?" Ghost asked. "It means what I say it means. He's dead. It's over." The new guy glanced from Reaper to Ghost on what to do. No one said anything. I could feel a sweat drop trickle down the side of my face. 
        Reaper's eyes were the first to meet mine in the silence. His breathing was harsh as he became enraged and came at me. I ducked from his blade as he nicked the wall behind me! "Whoa! Stop that!" I yelled. "Where is he, Venom? What did you do with the body?" He tackled me to the ground as the blade pressed against my throat and his large body crushed my lungs. Ghost snapped out of a daze and tried pulling him off me! "Reaper stop! This won't help anyone!" As he ripped himself away from my body, I sat up holding my throat. "You can have his body back if you want. I don't think you want me to come back with you though."
        "That was Eagle's soul mission. He wanted you to come back home." Reaper panted. I chuckled dryly, "look where that got him."
        "You son of a bitch," Reaper cursed. My smile faded. "I didn't want to... He gave me no choice. Don't force me to do the same to you." They stared at each other quietly.
        "Hey," a guy from across the street called. I think he was one of the neighbors? "What are you doing?" They hid their weapons as I stood up. "It’s just a family dispute! Sorry!" I called with a weak smile. The man peered around the four of us. “You don’t live here!”

“My name is Saige!” I called, “I’m a close relative to Prudence and Jasper. Sorry, if my siblings worried you.” I got the feeling he believed us as he carried on. "Don't make me call the police!" I smiled as I watched him leave.    
         "Please, can we stop fighting and just talk? I don’t need the police showing up right now. Not when we have a dead body, a drug user, and weapons without permits.” They nodded in agreement. “Hey, who are you calling a drug user?” The new guy asked, sounding offended. “Really? Must you ask that Mr. Stiches? I can smell the marijuana on you from here!” He gawked without reply.

          “Venom," Ghost murmured as I stepped back up to the porch, stopping in front of the front door. "Yes?" I replied.
        "We want Eagle's body, but we also aren't leaving without you even of you did murder him." I sighed and shook my head. "I can't." She reached behind her back. "Please don't make this harder than it should be. We all need you well, alive, and with us. Just come back. This is your last chance." The door behind me opened with a loud chirr as the click of a gun echoed in my ears. "He's not going anywhere," Prudence growled. Ghost's eyes widened and so did mine. "This won't end, will it?" I asked. "Seth. Who is that?" I sighed and smiled weakly, "sometimes I think he's Satan himself."        

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