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              My cough worsened over time. "You-you know how much I hate him- right now," I paused, trying to catch my breath. Jasper smirked weakly, "well, he caught it too you know."        

        "He did what?" I asked intriguingly.  "Prudence got sick.” Jasper said sadly. My eyes widened. The thoughts in my head ran from one to another. I might just be being paranoid but was Prudence really the one who lied in bed with me a few nights ago? How could he though? It's Prudence and he hates me, right? "Seth, are you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded, "just fine. Can you help me up?" Jasper smiled and nodded, pulling me up as he helped me out of bed. I coughed a few more times uncontrollably and covered my mouth with my sleeve. I wavered for a moment as my mouth watered and my stomach churned. "Seth?" I put up my index finger and waited.         
        The feeling disappeared as I took a deep breath. "What happened?" He asked, confused. I chuckled and sighed, "I didn't know if I was going to puke or not." Jasper made a disgusted face. "Ewie," he replied. I laughed, "Can you take me to Prudence's room now?" Jasper was shocked. "W-what for?"        
        "I want to try talking to him. Maybe make him believe I'm not that terrible?"        
        "But Seth-"        
        "I need to try, Jasper."        
        "Let me at least be in there with you."
        "You can stay outside the door."        
        "Seth," Jasper whined. I smirked, "just right outside, okay?" He sighed and nodded. My smirk widened in to a smile, "thank you."         
        He held my arm as I wobbled my way to the end of the hall. I've never been in Prudence's room before. This might get interesting. We stopped in front of a beige door at the end of the hall.. Jasper held my arm tightly and huddled closer. "Please don't be stupid and make him angry," Jasper whispered. "He thinks I'm dangerous, you think he's dangerous, and I think my own gang is dangerous. I wonder who would win in a competition," I smirked and coughed a couple more times. "Seth, I'm serious!" He hissed. "I'll be fine. Don't you worry, alright?" I put my hand on the knob and slowly turned it, walking inside. The room was quiet and dark with navy blue curtains shielding away light from the outside. "What's wrong, Jasper," Prudence groaned, lying in bed. I closed the door and sneered at Prudence through the darkness. "I wanted to talk to you." Prudence sprang out of bed and turned on the lamp beside him. "What are you doing in here? Where's Jasper?"        
        "He's alright. He's just outside the door." I lowered my voice. "I wanted to talk to you privately you pervert." Prudence’s jaw trembled. "What are you talking about?"        
        "So it's true?"        
        "What are you talking about you worthless faggot," he coughed. "You, I’m talking about you, Prudence. You see, I finally figured it out! If Jasper was in bed with me that night he would be sick too! Not just you and I!"         
        "Lower your voice, damn you," he growled, "How fucking dare you say Jasper would be in bed with you! That's disgusting! Damn faggot, stop having fantasies about my cousin!" My face flushed a bright red as my breathing became heavy. "You're calling me a faggot while at the same time, you're one too!" He pulled a gun from his desk next to him and pointed it at me! I gasped and took a few steps back. His eyes narrowed. "Take it back," he growled. I shook my head, "no way. Not until you admit it."         
        "Admit that I slept with filth like you? You're an idiot! Why would I ever admit to such rubbish!”        
        "Because it's true and you know it. I- I think it's been true for a long time. You have feelings for me and there more than just hatred aren't they?"        
        "Shut your mouth,” he coughed.     
        "I just want to hear you say it." He became furious! He jumped out of bed and clasped the collar of my shirt and threw me to the floor, pointing the gun directly in my face. "I'm going to count to three," he sneered, "and if you do not take back everything you just said right now, I'm going to blow your brains out."        
        "I bet you could do more blowing than just that," I shot back, coughing. He hit me with his gun! I whipped to the side and felt blood trickle down the side of my face. "Do it Prudence. Shoot me. Kill me while your cousin is right outside the door." Prudence flinched, fingering the trigger as he glanced worryingly at the door.           
        The doorbell rang, startling Prudence and I! We paused for a moment as it rang again. "Y-you going to get that?" I asked, gulping. He hesitated before huffing angrily and letting his finger off the trigger. I sighed in relief! Prudence stuffed the gun in the back of his pants and opened the door. Jasper was gone. A blood curdling scream echoed from the living room! Prudence and I acted instantly as we rushed downstairs! "Jasper!" Prudence yelled fearfully. Jasper had a gun held to his head! "E-Eagle..." I whispered.         
        Eagle was the head of everything I knew. He was the leader of the gang after his dad died. His father said it was okay for him to steal me from my family as a child and raise me in the gang. He's the one who ended up making my life a living hell!         
        "Hello Venom. I thought you might have been here. You look like shit."        
        "L-let him go, Eagle."        
        "Who? The kid?" He asked, holding the gun closer the Jasper's head. Jasper shut his eyes and whimpered, crying. "What do you want, damn it?"        
        "You know exactly-"        
        "I'm not going anywhere with you!" Eagle pulled down the hammer with a click and held it tightly. "I don't think I heard you correctly, Venom. You want to say that again?"        
        "L-let him go," Prudence begged, "p-please..." I watched this rare sight in amazement. Prudence sounded like he was ready to burst out in to tears.        
        I glanced at the pistol Prudence hid in the ridge of his pants. I need to use it on Eagle. I need to kill him, but if I miss, Eagle might shoot Jasper or I could end up shooting Jasper myself! If I go or don't go with Eagle, either way, both Jasper and Prudence will be executed. I peered down at the gun, then up at Jasper and Prudence's desperate expressions. I need to try. Fucking hell, I hope I don't miss. If I do, it’s all over.       

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