Chapter 1 ~ Keeping Secrets

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Hey! If you didn't read the little description thing, then this an au where Tord never left. Enjoy!!


I walk into the living room and see Edd drinking some cola and Matt just looking in a mirror. And a commie reading some hentai. Yup everything seems normal.

"Hey Tom! I need to ask you a favor." Edd asked. "Yeah sure, what do ya need?" I ask. "Well Matt needs to go visit his grandma and I need to drive him, so you and Tord have to stay here. An-" Before he could he could finish I spat out "WAIT I HAVE TO BE STUCK WITH HIM?!" "Tom calm down, it's just for a week! And you owe me!" Edd spat back. "Ugh fine" I pout. This is gonna be a nightmare! "When are you guys leaving?" Tord asks. "Tomorrow morning!" Edd replied. I groan and stomp up to my room.

I lay in my bed just looking at the ceiling. Knock knock
I get up and answer the door, what I didn't suspect was to see a certain commie. "What do you want?" I groan. "Chill! I just wanna see if we can hang out?" He asked

Tord's POV

I wait for Tom's reply. I felt my face and ears get hot but I brushed it off. To be honest I really like Tom. More than a friend...
"Umm sure?" He said. My face brightened up at the answer. "Okay! I'll come around later!" I told him. "Okay." He said walking back into his room and shutting the door. I skip back to my room.

I head over to Tom's room and before a I knock someone says "So Tord, I heard you like Tom!" It was Edd. "Umm! No!!" I spat out. Shit. "You're lying!! I knew it!!" He squeaked. "Okay fine! Yes I do but keep it down!" I shush him. "Okaaay!!" He runs off, probably to tell Matt. I turn back around and knock on his door. He opens it and look back at me. "Ready to go?!" I ask. "Sure." He replied.

We head to the park and just walk around. I look over at Tom who is just staring off into space. "Sooo.. umm," I start. "Tord, why did you ask me to hang out?" He asked. "Well umm..... I just want us to get along..." I stutter out, my face goes bright red. Tom looks flustered. I look away avoiding eye contact. "Oh umm, okay? Umm maybe we can try being friends?" He stutters out. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah sure" he replied shyly.

This will be a good week

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