Chapter 13 ~ Fuck off.

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Tord's POV
I stood outside the assholes door. I didn't wanna do this but I knew if I saw him again I'd get kicked in the gut, for not listening to him. Tom came with. I knock on the door. This place was pretty crappy, but not the worse I've seen. He opens the door with a smile. "Tord! I didn't think you'd come!" He said asking for a hug. I hesitated but gave in. He looked over at Tom and said "So who's your friend?" "Oh he's my boyfriend.." I awkwardly said. "Oh!" He says surprised. We walk in. It was just as bad inside as outside. Tom held my hand tight. I don't blame him this place was shit. Well a shitface does live here so yeah. We sat doe on what looks like a couch. It was beat up and looked like shit. "We have so much to catch up on! Tell me where have ya been?" He looked so excited. "Well I'm just living in a different part of Norway I just came to bust my dad for a while!" I lied, I can't tell him anything! I don't trust this asshat. I look at Tom and he looks so in edge. I don't blame him, this guy looks like he's gonna attack us at any moment. He laughed at that. I sat there awkwardly. "I'm sorry Tord, but I want the truth." He said lighting a cigar. Dear god we're gonna be here for a while....

Tom's POV
I look at Tord who is terrified. I haven't said anything cause I don't know what to fucking do. This guy gave us an evil look before standing up and grabbing my wrist. I wince as he tightens the grip. Tord reached behind the back of his pants.

"Let him the fuck go you scum!" Tord spat out. "Or what? You gonna get mad? I know almost everything about you Tord! And I'm not gonna sit and play games anymore!" He spat back. Tord pulled out a gun and aimed right at his head. "Do you want me to repeat my words?" Tord whispered in a dark tone. I shook as his grip got stronger. "And what if I don't want you to?" He began to what looked a knife on the table. "Let him go you fucking scum!" Tord screamed before cocking the gun right at the dudes face. He finally let go.

Tord kept his gun at his head as we walked out the door. Leaving the asshat inside. He put his gun away, sighing. "Sorry about that Tomas, he would have killed me if I didn't show up. If could have found me." Tord said grabbing my hand and leading me out of the building. "Tord its fine. We're leaving later next month anyway." I said. Tord sighed and pecked my cheek. The rest of the trip back to Paul and Patryk's was quite.

~time skip~

I sat on the bed thinking about everything that happened. The door opened and Tord came in and sat next to me. He put me under his chin and cuddled me. I held him close.

Patryk's POV
I walk by Tord and Tom's room where I see them cuddling each other. It was adorable. It reminded me of Paul and I when we first started dating. I head over to our room and look at Paul who was watching some tv. We put one in our room because Paul got bored staying in bed all day. I closed and the door and got into a t shirt and my boxers and crawled into bed with him. "Hey Paul those two are just like us." I said softly. "One of them is gonna give their kid hentai and guns too?" He laughed out. I roll my eyes and say "Ya know you're the one who did that?" "Yes." "Whatever, I meant they seem to be just like us. Like when we started dating." He plays with my hair and chuckles at me "Yeah, I guess you're right~"

A/N: yup some paultryk for ya! Next chapter will explain nick's insane mind!

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