Chapter 19 ~ Fun day!

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Tom's POV
We finally arrive at the theme park, Edd practically kicked opened the door. We step inside and get in line for some tickets. I look over at Tord who was just in his phone most likely looking at hentai.

We finally make it to the front and get our tickets. "So what do you guys wanna do first?" Edd asked. I looked over at Tord, he shrugged than we all looked at Matt, expecting an answer. Matt looked at us with a blank face and then grabbed the map from Edd and pointed at something random. Edd looked and started back at us and smirked. "What?" I ask. Edd shows me the map and points to a ride that had a tiny heart on it.

Shit, I fucking hate couple rides! They are always the same! Get in a swan and ride though this weird thing we're there are cupids and hearts. It's cheesy and stupid as hell. But knowing Edd he'd make me go on it. I groan "ugh fine." Edd smiled and dragged us to the ride.

Tord's POV
I have no idea where the fuck we are going. I follow behind Edd and Matt who seem to be all giggly and happy. I look at Tom who looks annoyed. "Tom, where are we going?" I ask. "Some weird gay love ride shit." He grunts. I haven't been on one yet, so I don't how they work. "Oh, aren't those the things in the movies?" I ask. "Yeah. I don't really like them." "Oh, but what if it's with me~!" I batted my eyes at him in joking matter. He just chuckled and grabbed my hand. "Yeah but even with a commie, they're still shit." He laughs. I smile and poke his nose.

We finally make it to the ride and get in line. It didn't take long to get to the front. Tom and I got in one these bird things. While Edd and Matt got in one as well. We sat there looking at the random hearts with baby cupids. "They're just like the movies!" I turn to Tom. He seemed to be really annoyed to be on here. I grabbed his hand and said "Tommy, lemme ask you something~?" "What is it?" "What if I told you if you at least pretend to enjoy the ride.. I'll get you some alcohol when we get home~?" I purred at him. He shot up and nodded. I chuckled at him. And pulled him to my chest. He cuddled my chest and I ran my fingers though his hair. "I love you commie." "I love you too jehovah."

After we got off the ride Edd and Matt dragged us to the arcade. Witch I didn't mind. I started playing one of those shooting games. Edd didn't let me bring any weapons. So that sucks! I don't understand the problem with bringing loaded gun into a theme park with family's and children and inno- okay now I see why. I finished playing and looked around for Edd, Matt, or Tom. I saw Matt and Edd in the corner but they looked too busy making out (insert Lenny face here). So I figured Tom would be my best bet.

I walk around but Tom was no where to be found. I soon found him walking out of the bathroom. "Hello Tomas." I say in a evil voice. "Hello Tord." He said in a deep voice. "We've been expecting you!" I joked. "Oh really?" "Yes really!" "Well what do you want then?" "Your ass!" I giggle. He gives me the 'are you serious' look. "Awe come on, you can't tell me you didn't see it coming." I laugh. He shrugs.

We walk over to Matt and Edd who we're talking by the door. We left the arcade and spent the rest of the day going on rides and talking. Before we knew it we had to go home.
We hop in the car and start the drive home.

Tom sat on my lap playing games on his phone. I watch him while playing with his hair. Taking out some of the huge amounts of hair gel. His hair was still sticking up. Surprisingly.

We finally made it home and I did my promise and ran to the nearest store and brought Tom some alcohol. I ran back home and head up to Tom's room. He sat there strumming Susan. I walked in sitting on his bed with the alcohol. I hand it to him. He smiled and kissed me. "Well someone knows how to keep promises." He said taking a swing at it. I laugh and peck his cheek. I soon get up and walk to my room.

Tom's POV
I put Susan away and continued to drink. Soon enough I was drunk laying in bed. And was very bored. I got up and walked over to Tord's room and walk in. He was reading hentai on his bed. "Tooordddd... I'm *hic* borred!" I plead at him. "Hey bored, I'm Tord, I'll be your server tonight." He said not looking from his porn. "Okay!! I would like *hic* some of Tord's ass!" I stuck my tough at him. He looked up at me flustered. "Not tonight checkered boy." "Well ttooooo. Ba- *hic* bad!" I go on his bed and hugged his stomach cause he was slouching against the wall. He sighed and put his porn down. "Tomas, you're drunk." "No shit Sherlock what gave it away." I stuck my tough at him. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Tooordddd!!!!!" I pouted. "Whaaat?" "I want some Tord ass!" I pout once more. Tord sighs and pins me down. "Excuse me Tomas but I believe there is problem, you're drunk and I'm not taking advantage!" "Pllleeeasse!" I whimper. "Ugh fine." He smirked. I was barley even that drunk to be honest but still can't believe I said that. And I still can't believe Tord agreed.

Then we made love right there.

A/N: yeah I ain't no smut writer! So I won't make details!

The series is sadly bout to end :(!! I know it's sad! But I will make sure we end this with an happy ending :3!

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