Chapter 3 ~ Day 2/7

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Tords POV
I wake up cuddled up in someone's arms. Shit shit shit shit!! Did Tom make me drink?! I look down, my pants are on, thank fuck. I look up at the person who is cuddling me. TOM?! Shit! Did I fall asleep on him? Shit, he's waking up! "Nngh, Tord?" He groans. I blush brighter than the color of my red hoodie. I try to pretend to sleep. He gets up and sets me on the couch. He puts his face near mine "I know you're awake Tordy~" he whispers into my ear. I pull myself up, completely flustered. Tom starts laughing like no tomorrow. "Fuck you!!" I tell at him. He just keeps laughing. That ass!! He's lucky he's too adorable for me to punch him. "Face it commie you enjoyed it!" He blurts out. My face goes dark red. "No!!" I yell. "Whatever, I'm making breakfast." With that he heads to the kitchen.

I sat in my room waiting for Tom to call for breakfast, or maybe not. I don't really care. I grab my hentai and start reading. I was half was through, until I heard Tom call me down. I rush down and I see him at the table eating a slice of bacon. I take a seat across from him. We are in silence until Tom speaks up. "So there's a fair open in town, you wanna go there?" "Sure!" "Cool!"

After we ate I went upstairs and grabbed a simple but nice outfit and slip it on. I don't wanna sound stupid but I kind of wanted to impress Tom, I'll count the fair as a date! I blush at that thought.

Tom's POV
I slip on a collared shirt and put my tie on. Since this is kind of a date, why not? Plus most of my clothes are in the wash. I should probably get that done.
I grabbed my laundry basket and head to the laundry room. In the conner of my eye I saw Tord in a collared shirt with a red bow tie and dark navy blue jeans. He looked so hot!
Shut up Tomas! You don't like Tord! Get that though your head! I snap out of my thoughts and do my laundry.

~Time skip~

Tord's POV
Tom and I head to the fair. We first go on some crappy roller coasters that I'm pretty sure could fall over at any moment. We then grabbed some lunch and sit at nearby bench. I stare at Tom and a hint of red appeared on my cheeks.
"Enjoying the view?" Tom chuckled. I snap out of my thoughts. "What?" I stuttered. Tom just chuckled as I look away blushing.

It was getting late I was wondering if Tom wanted to get going soon. But before I could ask he asked "Wanna go on the ferries wheel?"
Fuck. I hate heights but Tom looks excited and too adorable, what's the worse that can happen? "Sure!" I replied.
We wait in line which only took 5 minutes. We get in the carriage and my legs couldn't stop shaking. Tom looks at me confused. "Scared Commie?" He smirked. "No!" Spat back.
We sat down and shaked like no tomorrow, suddenly the ride stoped.
No no no nononono!!! We were at the top! Whhhy! "I guess the ride stoped." Tom stated. "But nice view though" I shaked with fear as I looked out from the cart. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around me and hold me close. "You could have told me you were scared." Tom chuckled. I cuddled into his arms.

Tom's POV
I held Tord until the ride started going again, we got off and head home. He was still shaking. Was he that scared? We arrive at the house and  I plopped down in the couch. Tord sat next me still shaking. "Jesus Tord were you that scared?" "Maybe" he mumbles. I pull him close to my chest and let him cuddle my chest. He was pretty cute there l. I have to admit I was kind of falling for the commie. He's too cute. I blush at the thought. Tord fell asleep on my chest. I smiled and slowly fell asleep.

A/N: Hey!! Hope you enjoyed!! I've been having fun writing these. If you want you can leave some suggestions for the days! :3

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