Part 14 ~ Run from a pyscho.

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3rd person POV
Nick kicked the box in rage. He cursed under his breath after he heard something break. "Goddamnit! Tord you bitch!" He cursed "I needed his goddamn help! But I fucking mess it up!" Nick grabbed his phone and texted Tord.

Nick: Hey Tord, sorry bout earlier, I must have forgotten my medication..

Nick never got a response. He cursed under his breath once more. Nick had 5 days left until he was gonna be shot. He made a deal with some sketchy people to leave his family alone but he had forgotten the price. They had to kill him. He was hoping Tord, an old friend would help him kill them before they killed him. His phone buzzed with a new message.

Tord: Fuck off! 🖕🏻🖕🏻

Nick groaned. He hates it when people did this to him. He sat down on his 'couch' trying to find someone to help him out, nobody said a word. He groaned, "I'm fucked..."

~time skip by 5 days~

Tord's POV
My phone was going crazy, that ass kept texting me to come over quick. No way. He's a fucking pain in my ass. Always was. I groan as my phone starts to ring. I picked it up. "Leave me alone!" I yell. "Tord, I need your help!" He sounded scared. "With what? Your fucking drugs? Or are you killing someone!?" I was almost shouting at the phone. Luckily my parents slept like rocks. "Tord! I'm not killing someone! Someone is bout to kill me!" He sounded terrified. I wasn't surprised. People fucking hated this guy. "I don't give a shit! Now fuck off!" I yell. "Fine, but you're gonna pay!" And with that he hanged up.

~time skip~

It's been a hell of an hour. Dad was having some troubles and sent to the hospital for some medical shit. Tom has been getting sick. And I've been getting threats and phone calls like no tomorrow. I ran my hand though Tom's hair. He was half asleep. "Tord... we need t- *cough* to go back home soon." Tom coughed. "Tom we can't! We like almost 2 more months here!" "But don't you see t- *sneeze* the threats!" I froze at that. I can't leave my dad but the threats are getting bad to the point there coming to Tom as well. Suddenly Tom's phone rang breaking the silence. Tom picked it up.
"Edd! Thank god! ....... No nothing is wrong....... okay..... okay bye Edd" Tom ended the phone call. "What did he say?" I asked. "He wanted to know if anything went wrong, I don't want him to worry until this gets really bad." "Tom, I'll get your thing packed and you rest. I'm gonna get us home to get away from these threats and to not be dead." I said. Tom nodded and started falling asleep.

~time skip~

I finished packing our stuff. Tom was out like a rock. I kissed his head and head out into the living room. I see father looking down in silence, I think he was thinking about dad. "Hey father, Tom and I have to go back home.. we keep getting threats." I said in a sad tone. "I thought this would happen, the moment he came up to us." Father said kind of defeated "Go home with Tom and I'll see what I can do about your dad.. oh and here take this for Tom" he held up some medicine, "flu has been going around so I bought some.." I hug father and felt tears trail down my face. "Thanks father.."

I headed back to our room and sit down and get a flight that will leave tonight. I wake Tom up so we can go visit my dad before we go. "Nngh, Tord?" He was adorable when he was sleepy. "Cmon sleepy drunk lets go visit my dad for an hour and in the plane, sleep all the way?" I giggle. He nodded and sat up. I handed him some of the medicine. He took it and stood there in silence. I handed him some clean clothes and had him change. After I put everything together. I grab my bag while Tom grabbed his.

We placed our stuff in the trunk and drove off to the hospital, with father of course. We stopped by Dad's room and he smiled. I gave him a bear hug. We talked and stayed for about an hour or two. Tom and I gave dad a hug and went back to the car and father drove us back to the airport. I gave father a huge hug and Tom gave him a hug as well. We waved goodbye and got on the plane. Of course the moment we got on Tom was already passed out. I texted Edd saying we're coming home. This has been one hell of a fucking day.

A/N: The end will come soon! We're not finished just yet though!!!

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