Chapter 6 ~ Telling the real truth

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Tord's POV
I sat in the couch bored as hell, I woke up early, like 6 am. That was a stupid idea. It's so boring without anyone awake. I sigh in boredom.
"Someone is up early~" Someone from behind cooed. "Morning to you Tomas~" I cooed back. He giggled and ruffled his hand though my hair. He plopped down next to me. We watched tv in silence. Then Tom huffed out "I think we should tell Edd and Matt today, they are all over the place and won't shut their mouths about it to me." "Oh, okay!" I cheer.

I got up to make some breakfast Tom followed behind. I grabbed the bacon out of the fridge and start cooking it. Tom put his arms around my hips from behind. I turn around and put my arms around his neck and lightly peck his lips. He giggled and went to go sit down.

~time skip~

Edd's POV
I woke up to the smell of bacon. I rush downstairs to see Tord and Tom up talking while Tord make bacon. "Morning Edd!" Tom greeted. "Morning" I yawn out "So how long have you two been up?". "I woke up around 6 but I don't know about asshat over here." Tord said. Tom glared at him but corrected him "actually I woke up around 7!". They are so in love with each other. "Morning everyone!" Matt greeted. "Morning!" I greeted. Matt and I took a seat with Tom across from us. He was playing on his phone. Tord gave us a plate of bacon and we all dug in.

Tom and Tord have each other worried looks and looked at me and Matt. What's up with them? "Uh Edd, Matt, we have something to confuse." Tom started. "Yeah what's is it?" I ask. "Well um, Tord and I ar-" before Tom could finish Tord nervously cut him off "Are dating!". Matt and I looked at each other before bursting into laughter. "Like we couldn't tell!?" I laugh out. They look away embarrassed.

~another time skip~

Tom's POV
"Guys! We have the sudden urge to go to the store for about an hour or two!! Don't burn the house down!!" Edd yelled from downstairs. I rolled my 'eyes'.
I rush over to Tord's room and open the door. He was just sat there looking at porn, as always. Closing the door behind me and I started "Edd and Matt went out." "I have ears jevoah." He snarled at me. I huff and sat next to him. Then an idea popped into my head. I sat behind Tord and got on my knees. "Tomas, what are you doing?" He asked. I ignored him and started massaging his neck. He jump but he eventually gave in. I chuckled and searched for his sweat spot. He moaned out, found it! I kissed it and did a tiny nibble. Leaving a mark and kissing it gently.
Tord pulled me into his lap. Despite me being the dominant one, he's taller than me. He held me close to his chest. I snuggle his chest. "Awe, looks like I'm taking your place~" he purred at me. I glare at him but gave in, just this once. I eventually fell asleep in his arms.

Matt's POV
I look at my amazing face in this amazing mirror. I look quite nice today. I look over at Edd who is driving us home. I feel my face go hot when he directs his eyes towards me. I look away quickly (A/N: yes I'm adding EddMatt, deal wit it) I always get so flustered around Edd. He's just so handsome and smart! I should stop.
"Uh Matt are you okay?" Edd ask. "Of course!" I reply. I go back to my mirror and using it of course to look at Edd in the background (insert Lenny face).

Once we got home I get the groceries down. "Hey Matt don't you think it's TOO quiet?" Edd asked. I shrugged. Edd walked away to who knows where. Suddenly he came up to me and grabbed my arm and ran me over to Tord's room. Where we found Tom and Tord cuddling each other!! Edd giggled and snapped a picture in his phone. I wish I could hold Edd like that~!
Ima just stop thinking these things.

A/N: Hey!! Yes Ima adding some EddMatt but TomTord is my main purpose at the moment! So don't expect too much!! Bai!!

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