Chapter 10 ~ My sunshine~!

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Tom's POV
I play my guitar in a soft tune, I had little time to practice this so I know it will be bad. But that doesn't matter, I'm here for Tord. I start singing.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

You make me happy when sky's are gray.

You'll never know how much I love you~!

Please never take my sunshine away.

I look up at Tord who looks on the verge of tears. The song was pretty short I know but, seeing Tord with a smile made me think it was worth it. He hugged me so tight I couldn't breath! He kissed me and held me close. He then said "Tom get your bags, we're heading to the airport."

~time skip to airport~

Tord and I stood in the line to get on the plane. As we get on the plane, I see some dudes arguing about seats and some other people setting their seat up to be perfect, normal plane stuff. We took a seat and I made sure Tord doesn't have window seats. I open up my phone and look at random shit.

"Hey Tom when we get there, don't be nervous around my parents." Tord asked. "Why would you think that?" I ask. "Well it's just you know, meeting the parents and such." He look away nervous. "Tord don't worry! It'll be fine!" I said trying to cheer him up a little. He chuckled and smiled. I gave him a peck on the cheek and slipped on my headphones. He put his on too and we soon just zone out.

~time skip~

Tord's POV
Tom and I get off the plane and see my father. I quickly walk up to him and give him a big hug! "Father!" I squeal. He chuckled and said "Tord." We pull away and I turn to Tom. "Father, this is Tom! My boyfriend!" I squeal. "Hey! I've heard about you, its nice to meet you! Names Patryk." He shakes his hand. It's exciting to be back in Norway but I still miss Edd and Matt. We get in the car and start heading to my father's house.

We get inside and the place haven't changed one bit! I smile at the house and look over at Tom, he looked nervous and happy. I held his hand and smiled. he smiled shyly at me. Father showed us to our room (A.K.A Tord's old room). "Okay, so no sex unless were out, and if you do try it, don't be too loud were asleep." He joked at us. Tom turned 50 shades of red. I blushed and giggled. "I'm just kidding!" He said, making Tom less tense "Just don't be too loud!" with that he closed the door and laughed on the other side. I giggle and look at Tom, who just chuckled at me. "So you like the parents?" I asked. "Yeah." Tom chuckled out. "Well they like you too. I said softly.

We got changed and head to bed. I held Tom and kissed his head. "Thanks for coming with me Jehovah~!" I purred softly into his ear. He smiled and pecked my lips and snugged my chest.

A/N: Have a good day! Sorry the song was so frail, I didn't wanna make a long song that I know nobody would read :/ Well cya later!

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