Chapter 2 ~ Day 1/7

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Tom's POV

Tord and I waved goodbye to Edd and Matt as they drive away. We went back inside and watched TV.
"Hey Tom" Tord said looking toward me. "Yeah?" I ask. "I was thinking you wanna go out to the cafe go something for lunch?" "Umm sure, why not." I replied. Tord smiled and walk up to his room. He looked kinda cute! Wait what?! No! I don't like him, in that way... okay just ignore that thought.

I get up and slip on a clean blue hoodie. I wait at the door for Tord. He comes out of his room with a lift grey shirt and jeans. "No hoodie today?" I chuckle. "Nah just in the wash." He replied "I see your not wearing a shirt under that though!" I blush "How did yo-" "Tom we live with people who non stop wear hoodies" He chuckled. "Whatever, Commie!" I spat out. "Jehovah" He chuckled. I walk out the door flustered, with Tord following behind. We get into the car and drive to the nearest café.

We sat in the back and talked. We had more in common than I thought. Plus I'm not gonna lie he did look really cute without his hoodie. No shut up Tom this isn't you! I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when someone snapped their fingers in front of me.

Tord's POV

Tom drifted into his thoughts, just starring at me. I snapped my fingers in front of him, and he snapped out of it. "Oh sorry got lost there for a second." He said flustered. "Oh, its fine!" I reply. He looks away flustered. "Someone is a little flustered~!" I purred at him. Immediately regretting my decision. He looks at me, face full red.

"Hello what would you two like to drink?" A waiter comes over and asks. "Umm ill just get a water." Tom tells him. "And you?" the waiter turns to me. "Um water as well!" I blurt out. He jots it down on a pad and walks off. I look over at Tom who is still kind of flustered. I chuckle at his cute face. I admire his adorableness for about a minute. He looks up at me "Ha! Someone is flushered!" He Chuckled at me. I glare at him.

Our drinks arrived and we continued to talk, Tom and I never have got along this well! After we ordered we eat and head back home.

Tom and I chill on the couch watching Dr.Why, its not very entertaining. Maybe some movie time would be fun! "Hey Tom, wanna watch a movie?" I ask. "Sure what movie?" He asked "Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell 5!" I basicly shout. "Of course" He smirked. I get up to find the movie and Tom goes to get some popcorn. I put the movie into the Phony DvD player. I go to the closet and grab a blanet and 2 pillows. I see tom already getting comfortable, I throw him a pillow and take a seat. I throw the blanket over us.

Tom's POV

Tord had fallin asleep half way though the movie. I giggle at the sight of him. Hes so cute~! Crap, why do I keep thinking these thoughts!! I stuff some popcorn into my mouth. Then a felt a warm figure cuddle my arm. I look over and see Tord cuddling my arm. I blush at the sight. I put my arm around him and fall asleep

This was a good day

Hey!! Thanks for reading! I hope you like the book so far! Bai~!

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