Chapter 20 ~ Kneel down and kiss me.

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Tom's POV
It's been 3 years since Tord and I have gotten together. We moved into our own apartment. We have been happy. I don't know a life without him.

I cuddle to his chest and watched the movie. We didn't really care about the movie. We were just focused of each other. We were perfect. I held him close. I never thought of letting go. Never letting go of that commie. I remember everything. We stopped getting threats. He but just in case, we switched out our phones.

I eventually fell asleep on his lap.

Tord's POV
I slowly get up and go to make some breakfast. Today was the day! I was gonna propose to Tom! I couldn't wait. Tom was an angel to me. I lightly kiss his forehead. I grab some bacon out of the fridge and start cooking.

I was excited, no lie. I picked out a rather nice place for dinner, I thought we could go to the cafe that we went to when we first started dating. I smile at the memories. Soon enough I heard Tom groan and saw him sit up from the couch. "Morning sleepy head!" I cheerfully said. "Morning commie." He yawned. I finished cooking the bacon and set it on the table.

Tom took a seat at the table and ate some of the bacon. "So Tom I have a huge surprise today!" I said with glee. "What is it?" "You'll see Tommy~!" I cooed. He did a small glare but went back to eating. I quickly went to our room and went to the corner and grabbed the box and tried to find a way to hid the box in my pocket so Tom doesn't see. Luckily I pulled it off.

I walk out and see Tom watching some random stuff on the news. I sat down next to him. "Tooordd.. what's the surprise!" Tord groaned. "Silly Tomas~! It's not a surprise if you know what the surprise is~!" I said in an intimidating voice. I lightly punch my arm and went back to watching the show. I chuckle and ruffled his hair.

~time skip~

"Tom! Get in something nice! I'm gonna take you to the surprise!" I coo at him. He groans and gets up. He walks into our room and I assume to change. I quickly snuck into the bathroom and put on my nice outfit. It was a white collared shit with a red bow. I snuck the box like I had practiced earlier. I grabbed the blue flower I had gotten Tom and place it behind my back. I saw Tom waiting by the door. I walk up to him and hand him the flower. "Awe thanks Tordy!" He cooed in an adorable voice. I give him a hug and we head out the door. Tom was wearing his same checkered and blue outing thing (you all know that by now).

We enter the cafe and sit at the same table as always. We order our drinks and start talking. "Tom, remember my dad right?" "Paul? Yea." "He's luckily finally finished with his surgery!" "That's great news Tord! But hasn't your dad been sick for like 3 to 4 years now.." "yeah.. but they said they might visit next month!" That depends whether Tom says yes or not. Otherwise I'm going to visit them to heal from sadness. "Hey Tord, whatever happen to that guy?" "He ended being killed by a hit man. And you basically know the rest." I shrug.

After we eat I drive Tom to a park near a lake. We walked up the bridge that went went over the lake. It was beautiful. The sunset against Tom's face made his face glow. This was it. It was time. It's going to happen. "Tomas. I have a question I must ask." My face turns a bright red. He turns over to me. "Yeah Tord?" I blush brighter as we made eye contact. I bend down on one knee and reach in my pocket and hold the box in front of him. He gasped and started to tear up. "Tomas (last name) will y-you ma-marry me?" I look into Tom's 'eyes' and they had tears welding up. He was frozen. Than he burst into tears and hugged me. "YES YES YES! Yes I'll marry you commie!" He almost screamed it. I smiled and started to tear up. And I hugged him back. I put the ring on his finger and kissed him.

We rode back home. We were in each other's arms. We wouldn't let go. We slept like that, holding each other. We were never letting go.

A/N: last chapter will be next :'(!! I loved writing this! I have more ideas for EddsWorld fanfics and maybe a oneshot book! Idk that's up to you! :D!!

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