Chapter 9 ~ A day with friends!

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Tom's POV
I get up out of bed and get changed into my normal clothes, t shirt, hoodie, jeans, normal. I look over at the suitcase that Edd must have put in my room so the trip. Sigh. I'll miss Edd and Matt while we're away. I pack up clothes and some other shit.

I head downstairs to see Edd drinking some cola Matt taking pictures of him self. "Tord is taking a shower, he'll be down in a minute so we can go." Edd says taking a sip of his cola. I nodded. I sat down and played on my phone. Then I heard someone call my name from down the hall.

I walk down the hall and enter Tord's room, to see him in a t shirt and some jeans. He said "Cab I borrow one of your hoodies? All of mine are packed and I can't find a clean one." He blushed. I blushed. "Yeah sure, let me go grab one." I hurried off to my room and grabbed one of hoodies and rush back down to Tord's room. He slipped on the hoodie, Barley a fit, made it right up to his wrist. He looked cute in it. I blushed and snapped a photo. Tord glared at me but then started laughing. "I can't believe you didn't see it!" He laughed out. He pointed TORDs (I'm sorry) his dresser and there was a red hoodie. I growl at him as he laughed his ass off. I took my hoodie off and slipped on his red one to play with him. He giggled at me. It was a little big for me. We laughed at each other and kept the hoodies on.

"We should make Edd and Matt do it!" Tord suggested. "Yes!!" I praised. We rush out snickering and giggling.

Edd's POV
Tom and Tord came out snickering and laughing wearing each other's hoodies. They turned to me and Matt and smiled. "Edd and Matt as we did, you guys have to switch hoodies for the day!!" Tord almost yelled. I look at Matt flustered. But Matt didn't really care, just looking over his photos. "Ugh fine!" I groan. I hand my jacket over to Matt and he though me his. I slipped it on, it was big on me. Matt was quite tall and I was number 2/4 on the height scale of the 4 of us. With 4 being the tallest. (4~matt,3~Tord,2~Edd,1~Tom) I look over at Matt, the hoodie is so small that you can see the undershirt on the bottom of the hoodie.

I shake the thoughts away and grab my keys. "Alright let's just go!" I said opening the front door. We head out and get in the car and drive out. We stopped at a cafe to get some food.
We grabbed a table and ordered. "So Tord, what's wrong with your dad, if you don't mind me asking?" I said to break the silence. "Oh he just has some problems with his stomach and some head pains and they just been getting kind of ruff." He slurred out. "How come we have never seen or heard of your parents, like no pictures and stuff?" Matt asked finally looking up from his phone. Tord kind of froze. "Well umm you see-" before he could finish our food arrived. We thanked them and dug in. "So continue." Tom said, face half stuffed with food. "Well umm. I have 2 dads..." he awkwardly said.

Tord's POV
Everyone looked at me kind of surprised. Tom then said "Hey there's nothing wrong with that. Don't know why you keep it silent. My parents are a bowling ball and a pineapple." "Yeah I guess I just never really liked sharing it cause I got bullied as a kid.." I said softly "buts it's fine!". I ate some food and we moved on to a new topic.

After we ate we went out to asdf land remodel 2.0. Not joking that's in the sign. We walk into the park and rides some of the death screaming rides and played some stupid games. It was a blast! Matt and Edd said they were gonna go on the Ferris wheel. Since we all know what happen last time, Tom and I stayed back and chilled on a bench.

"I love you Tomas~" I purred resting my head on his shoulder. "I love you too Tordy~" he cooed. And he held me close.

~time skip, brought to you by me~

Tom's POV
I Tord's hand as we all talked and drove back home. I run up to my room and grabbed the surprise I had planned for Tord. I sadly couldn't bring Susan, because it couldn't fit in my bag and security sure as hell won't let me get on a plane with a goddamn guitar in my pocket. I called him up. He ran up and sat in my bed and I stood in front of him and started playing.

A/N: Haha! I am so evil! Sorry this chapter is getting pretty long. Longest one I've written yet.
There were so many POVs in this one. Like 4.

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