Chapter 16 ~ Drunk love.

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3rd person POV
Tom and Tord load up the video and start to watch.

~video starts~
"Hey Turd~ I *hic* got the camera working!" Tom slurred. Tord walked carrying a bag. He leaned on Tom and kissed his cheek. "Okay I got th- *hic* the things~!" Tord said holding the bag in the air. Tom grabbed the bag and opened it up and pulled out a brand new sharpie. "Toorrrddddyyyy!! You only bought one!" Tom pouted. Tord stood there confused "ohh *hic* I didn't know!" Tom glared at Tord and huffed and grabbed the sharpie out of the plastic. Tord grabbed the camera and slowly and quietly ran into Edd's room. Tom whipped the sharpie out of thin air and drew something on Edd's face. Tom and Tord snickered silently. They left and put the camera on table.

Tord sat on the couch and Tom cuddled on him. They stayed like that for about five minutes. Tord then moved Tom's face and kissed him. When they pulled apart Tom said "You... *hic* are gay!" "You're gay too!!" Tord spat back. Tom shrugged and kissed Tord a bit mor roughly. They stayed doing that for about 10 minutes until Tom and Tord fell asleep and Tom got kicked off the couch and slept on the floor.
~video ends~

Tom's POV
I start laughing my ass off and Tord is brighter than a tomato! He chuckled witch then turned into full of laughing! Edd swung open the door with a glare and a bunch of sharpie marks. We stare at him and burst out laughing. Edd glares at us and stomps off to the bathroom to wash off the sharpie. We stopped laughing and held our stomachs in pain. Tord looked at me with a huge grin and pecked my lips. He got up and left the room and left me alone in the room.

I walk into the kitchen to the smell of bacon. Edd is cooking the bacon, Matt looking in the mirror, and Tord on him phone. I took a seat and start looking at random shit. Tord's phone rings and he gets up to answer it. I shrug and go back to looking at shit. We hear Tord scream in Norwegian. We stare at each other in confusion. Tord walks in and we stare at him in confusion as well. "Sorry! Just more stupid people from Norway!" Tord squeaked out. Shit. He keeps getting threats? Edd gives Tord a 'okay I'm going to ignore suspicious stuff for now' look.

I drag Tord out of the kitchen. "Tord we got to get you a new phone! You can't keep getting these threats!" I said "It's fucked up." Tord stared at me with a blank expression "Yeah, okay Tom, I'll go down later today, but you're coming with me and we're doing your phone too!" "Okay commie!" Tord chuckled and smirked at me. I look at him confused, I run around to leave but Tord grabs the back of my hoodie. I yelp and Tord pulled me into a hug. I accept it and hug him back. He then picks me up and smothers his face into my neck. I look at him confused. What the fuck is he doing. He puts his hand over my eyes and carried me somewhere. I didn't feel like struggling because there was no point. Tord would just blind fold me with his hoodie. So no point. He took his hands off my eyes and smiled at me. I look around, it was Tord's room. What the fuck is going on.

Tord laid me down on his bed and laid down next to me. He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head. Finally I spoke up "Tord are you okay? You're acting weird." He giggled and kissed me. I pulled away "Tord?" He made an angry-pouty face. Soon enough he kissed my neck. I jump at the feeling but then melt into it. He chuckled and looked at me deep into my eyes. He connected our lips and slipped his tough into my mouth. I melt into it.

But little did we know,

Edd was right there.

A/N: Awkward tension >:3!!

So there will be no smut, because I'm not a fan and I'll be uncomfortable writing it.

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