Chapter 5 ~ Home early

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Tord's POV
I wake up with the sun shining on my face, I hiss at the brightness. Who left the goddamn window open!? I look at Tom who seemed to let go of me in his sleep. I creep out of bed and go downstairs to start breakfast. I check the fridge for some bacon. Ugh we're out! God damnit! I groan. "Something wrong sunshine lollipop?" Tom put his arm around my hips. "We ran out of bacon!" I pout. "Oh, then I'll head to the store, see you in like 5 minutes." He said grabbing his keys. "Okay Tomas~! Don't be long~!" I purr.

~Time Skip~

I sat on the couch watching Dr.Why. I wait for Tom, I miss him and he's only been gone for like 5 minutes! Uggghh!!! Suddenly I feel someone tackle on me. "Ahh! Tom!" I yell out. "Your prince is here~" he purred kissing me. I blush but kiss back. We pull away. I giggled at his face. He then reached his hands up my shirt.
Where is this going?
Tom smirked at me and then tickled my stomach. I start bursting out laughing. "Tom!! Hehe ha! Stop!!" I giggle out. "What's the magic word" he chuckled. "Pleeeaasse!!!!" I laughed out. He stop and kissed my neck. I blush. He kisses me roughly. I kiss back and put me tough in my his mouth. He pulled out. "Silly Tordy~ I'm the dominant one~! He purred kissing me.
Then, the door swung open.

Edds POV
I open the door and see my two friends mid kissing. I had to pick my jaw up from the floor. Matt was even surprised. They look at us redder than a tomato on steroids. "So um... yeah.." I start. "I can explain!!" Tord stuttered out "He is REALLY drunk!!". I look at Tom who suddenly looks drunk. "Umm okay. Well we're back, Matt hurt his back and couldn't do much." I explain. "Y-you know *hic* Tord, you're kin- *hic* of cute~" Tom drunkly putting his arm around Tord. "I'll out this fucker in his room." Tord chuckled helping Tom to his room.
What the fuck just happened.

Tom's POV
We head into my room. "How the fuck did that work?" Tord asked. "Eh I've had to fake a couple times.." I say and getting a weird look from Tord, "Don't ask.". "Well.... should we tell them?" He asked shoving his hands in his hoodie. "I don't know." I shrugged "Do you want to?". "Well I don't think we should tell them yet... cause I'm not sure of they will be comfortable with their friends all of sudden just dating when they were only gone for like 3 days.." he said. "Okay, but we will have to be very careful or else they will get suspicious." I said. Tord nodded and kissed my cheek and walked out of my room. I sat on my bed and played Susan.

~Time Skip~

I walk out of my room and walk down to the living room. I saw Edd and Matt on the couch watching some TV show. I sat down on the couch next to Edd.

"Hey Tom." Edd said. Shit he's gonna say something about earlier. "Yeah?" I asked. "Are you and Tord a thing?" He asked. "What?! No! Of course not! What made you think that." I spat out. If I was Pinocchio my nose would growing faster than a race car at 70 mph. "Well you were kissing him earlier and-" Before he could finish I cut him off "Edd I was drunk, I had no idea what was going on". "Okay! Okay! I got it, just wondering."

I got pretty bored. So I got up and went to chill in Tord's room. I knock on his door and get a 'come in'. I swing open the door and see Tord reading porn of course. I close and the door and sit next to him.

"So Edd ask anything?" He asked. "Yeah but I told him 'no'" I say. He chuckled and grabbed my chin and lightly kissed me. I kissed him back. He pulled away with me wanting a bit more. I pout a little and he chuckles. He cuddles my arm and falls asleep. I chuckled at the sight and kissed his head. I lightly lay him down on his bed kissing his cheek. I turn off the lights and close the door.

"So is someone lying?" Someone mocked at me. I turn to see Edd with his arms crossed and a tiny smirk across his face. I blush in embarrassment. "No!" I spat at him. "Tom, be honest with me! Do you like Tord?" He asked. I turn away flustered. Fuck, what do I say? Do I tell him about Tord and I, or do I lie and just tell him I have a 'crush' on him. "Well?" He smirked. "Okay fine! Yes I like Tord!" I manage out. Damn why does it have to be so hard to hide your dating one of the people you're fucking living with?! Edd laughed at me and chuckled out "He likes ya too!"

With that he walked away.

A/N: Hey guys!!! So I hope you're enjoying!! I'm working my best on these!! Well, ill see you all in the end of the next chapter! Bai!

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