Chapter 12 ~ Dinner with the parents.

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Tom's POV
We have been here for about 2 months. Tord's dad has been up and down. Getting more sick and getting better. But tonight were all going out to some random place. I have no idea how it will go. I not gonna lie, meeting your lover's parents is nerve breaking. I'm very carful to make sure I don't fuck up. But I've been getting more comfortable I guess.

I slipped on something nice for tonight. "Aw~! My Tommy is all dressed up~!" Tord purred at me, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "I would say the same about you Tordy~!" I cooed at him. He pecked my cheek. I laughed at his cute face. I turn around putting my arms around his neck. He put his arms around my waist. I looked into his eyes. His silver eyes. I could get lost. I kissed him, I heard a little click sound but I didn't care. I kept him close. Tord pulled away and turned around and blushed like his hoodie. I look over and see his parents!! We pull away and nervously stand there. It was like when Edd and Matt first saw us kissing! They started to chuckling and then turned into full on laughter. My face was burning with blush. I looked over at Tord who was on the same page as me. "You two love birds are just like us when we started dating." Patryk said removing a tear from laughter. They eventually leave and we were so confused. Tord shrugged it off and I just stood there confused. Okay. So the parents don't hate me luckily.

~time skip to dinner~

I really need to know if Tord's parents like me or not so I can stop being so goddamn paranoid! But I know I can't just plain out ask out of the blue! I have to ask when Tord isn't around.

We sat at a booth in the back. We ordered some drinks and talked about some random shit. Tord (conveniently) had to use the bathroom. Witch left me and the parents. I stare down at my hands awkwardly. "Hey Tom." I shot up at the suddenness of my name. "Y-yeah?" I choke out. "Thanks for treating Tord right." Paul says in a kind tone. "Huh?" "Tord has had really bad relationships in the past and you seem to be the only good one we've seen." Patryk said. I was speechless. Who on the face of the earth hurt Tord!! Or treat him unfair! "Who could treat Tord bad?!" I spat out. "Well you seem to be in the same page  of us." Paul said awkwardly. We had a tiny chat until Tord came back. After we got our drinks some random guy came up, I've never seen him but Tord and his parents seemed a bit uncomfortable.

"Tord! When did you come back to Norway?" He said. "About 2 months ago.." Tord said, he looked really nervous. I look at him confused. He gave me the 'don't shit until you have too' look so I kept my mouth shut. "You need to tell me when you get back! I've missed ya bud~!" He giggled out. I have no idea what the fuck is going on. "Oh um my bad... I guess." Tord slurred out. His parents looked at every move this guy did. Who the fuck was this guy? "You need to come over and hang out sometime!" He said with excitement. "Uh maybe!" "Cool! Here's my info!" He then handed Tord a slip of paper with I assumed had a phone number on it. He walked away and a sigh of relief wept though the table. "Dad! You told me he moved to America!" Tord scowled softly. "He did! I just didn't know he would come back." Paul looked kind of defeated. "Who was he?" I ask. "He was an 'old friend' who was a total scum!" Tord sounded really disgusted "He sold drugs and alcohol and if you every slightly pissed him off he'd beat you with a fucking fork!"
"And you were friends with him?!" I shot up. "Sadly" Tord looked down at the table. The waiter came by with our food. We dug in. We were kind of silent but eventually made some conversation. Soon enough we went home. Tord kept looking at the little paper the asshat had given him.

A/N: Finally some drama!! The asshat's name is nick. They just don't like mentioning his name.

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