Chapter 15 ~ Welcome home!

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Tom's POV
I was woken up by someone tapping my shoulder. It was Tord, the plane must have landed. I look out the window and nope, still in the air. I gave him a confused look. "I wanna talk about something.." Tord said. "Yeah?" "Tom, I was just thinking, have you ever had a thought of us, getting married someday?" I stared at him in kind of shock. Marriage?! Don't get me wrong I would love to marry Tord but I've never thought about it too deeply. "Maybe, I never really thought about it.." he smiled and pecked my cheek. "Well I just had a dream so it just came to mind. You can sleep now Tommy~" Tommy? New nickname, huh. I close my eyes and slowly drift back to sleep.

~time skip to landing~

I jolt up and a tiny bump. "Just in time Tomas! We're landing!" Tord sounded excited to be back home.

We exit the plane and walk into the airport where we are smothered by clothes and hugs around us both. "Tom, Tord!!" Edd almost yelled. "We missed you guys so much!" Matt said happily. I chuck and hug them back. It felt good to see them again! We soon pulled away and all looked at each other. "It's feels so good to be home again with some amazing friends!" Tord said. We head back out to the car and drive home.

We walk inside and notice nothing has changed. Edd and Matt soon cover our eyes with what feels like a cloth? They drag us over to somewhere? What the fuck is going on? They soon remove the cloth and yell "SURPRISE!" It was a cake that said in bad handwriting 'welcome back'. Tord grins and pulls us all in for a group hug. I smiled and hug them. It feels so good to be back.

~time skip to next day~

Tord's POV
I wake up with an aching pain in my head. I look over and see Tom sleeping on the floor of the living room. I was lying down on the couch with a shirt off and a tie. I saw a video camera to the side, we must have gotten drunk cause why would we be on the floor or couch. Must have recorded it too. I grabbed the camera, it was dead so it seemed to be on all night. I get up to go charge it, only in boxers, great idea drunk me.

I plug it into a charger and decide to wake Tom up. I groan from the pain. First painkillers! I walk to the kitchen and grab some pills and some water. I take the pill and slurp it down with water. I fill up the glass and take a pill out of the bottle and walk over to Tom, he might want one. I shake him to wake up. He groans and sits up. And he's shirtless as well. I feel my face heat up at the sight. "Tord?" He groans. I hand him the painkillers, he took them and spaced out. "So what happened?" I asked. He snapped out of it and looked at me. "Eh must have gotten too excited and drank." He shrugged. I looked down at my hands. "Well I found a video camera, it looks like it recorded us so wanna watch it?" I blushed. "Sure.." he said kind of awkwardly. I cuddled up to his bare chest. Skin soft and adorable. I stayed there for a little bit while he pet my hair and kissed my forehead once or twice.

We soon get up and get some clothes on. I grab the camera and hook it up to my computer and wait for the video to load. Tom soon walks in and hopes into my lap. He was short enough to fit in my lap on a cheap chair?! Ha! The video loads up and I click on it. The video loads up and starts to play.
Let's see what fucking crazy shit happened.

A/N: hey!! Thank you guys for 300 reads?! It's going too fast xD!! Thanks so much!

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