Chapter 11 ~ A day of a city.

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Tom's POV
I woke up and noticed Tord gone. I whimper at not seeing his cute face. I check my phone for the time. 9:00 am. (I'm not adding the 24 hour clock) I hope I didn't wake up to late. I hop out of bed and then hear the door open. Tord walks in with a towel around his waist and soaked. He must have took a shower. "Hey Tom! You're up, when I didn't expect you to be!" Tord giggled awkwardly. "What time did you wake up?" I asked. "8:30. A bit earlier than I thought because of the plane." He chuckled. He told me to turn away. I did so as told. "There's a shower the next door on the right, if you need one. I would suggest it though, smelly butt." He chuckled. I glared at him turned around because he was probably nude behind me. "Fuck you." I smirked back. He laughed. "You can turn around now Jehovah" he giggled at me. I turn around to see him in his everyday red hoodie. He hands me a towel and said "Patryk is making pancakes by the way, so don't take forever!" I nodded and headed to the bathroom.

~time skip~

I walk out of the room (clothed of course). The smell of pancakes though the air. Tord was sitting talking to Patryk and what I could assume his dad whom I have not met yet. I walk towards them. "Morning sleepy head!" Patryk greeted me. "Morning!" I said back with a smile. "Tom this is my dad, Paul, dad this is Tom my boyfriend!" Tord said. He smiles and shakes my hand. The four of us talk for a while and eat some of the pancakes. Tord suggested him and I take a walk around town together to show me around. I agreed to go. I look over a Paul. He had a bandage over his right eye and seemed to be very careful with movements, I assumed he must be army or military.

Tord and I say goodbye and get in the car to start going around town. Tord takes me on a tour to some cafes and parks he to as a kid. We stopped at one of them to chill out. I sat on bench with Tord and we took in the sight of the park. He grabbed my hand and smiled. "This is gonna be fun, trust me!" He said. I said "I'm already having fun! Your parents are awesome!" He giggled at me and booped my nose. Ring ring. I grab my phone, it was Edd. I answer it.

Edd: Tom! How are you and Tord! Did you make it safely?
Tom: Yes Edd were fine, you go chill with Matt before he burns the house.
Edd: Okay, just be safe you love birds! Bye!
Tom: Bye.

"What did he say?" Tord asked. "Oh just check in on us. Being Edd!" I chuckle. He smiled and held my hand. "We should go back now. We will continue our tour tomorrow." He said softly. Though it was only 1 pm, we went back.

Tord's POV
I sat on the couch with father and Tom. Dad was probably laying in bed. We watched some TV show that I wasn't paying any attention too. I wonder how father felt about Tom. "Hei Far, Hva synes du om Tom?" (Hey father what do think of Tom?) I asked, luckily Tom is too dozed to hear. "han er god, bedre enn de andre kjærester!" (Hes good, better than the other boyfriends) He said. I smile and look over at Tom, still spaced out.

~time skip~

We all sat down at the table and talked and caught up with stuff. "So dad, what did the doctors say?" I asked. "Umm well they said that I might be stuck out of work for about a month or two, but I'll most likely get back after Christmas!" He said holding a thumbs up. I smiled at him. I loved it when dad would always take the worse out of my days. "Hey honey tell Tom about how we raised Tord!" My dad started chuckling. Tom looked at them waiting for a story. "Paul here gave Tord a gun at the age of 5." He said glaring at dad. I started to chuckle remembering the old times here. Tom started laughing. "Well that explains a lot!" He laughed out. "He also gave him anime porn at the age of 10!" Father kept glaring at dad, but he couldn't help but laugh. "Well I learned how Tord's obsession started." Tom smirked at me. We all started laughing. Soon enough we went to bed.

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