Chapter 4 ~ Day 3/7

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Tord's POV
I wake up cuddled in blankets, and the smell of bacon though my nose. I hope off the couch and head to the kitchen to see Tom cooking some bacon. "Morning sunshine lollipops" he greeted. "Morning" I say as I yawn.
After we ate Tom went to his room to do Tom things. I don't know what he does to be honest. I really wanna tell Tom how I feel but I don't know how. Will he like me? No. I don't even know if Tom is gay. I have to give it a shot. I know! I ran up to my room to start my master plan.

Tom's POV
I strummed Susan and did some light singing. Before I could actually do a song I got a knock. I groan and answer the door. "Need something commie?" I groan out. He looks at me and hands me a note like an anime school girl, his face dark red. I took it and he ran faster than ever to his room. I shrug and set it on my bedside table.

~le time skip~

I grab the note of my bedside and open it up.

Dear Tomas,
I really have to say, you are the most adorable thing I've ever seen and I can't help it. I'm in love with you! I know you probably don't feel the same, I don't even know if you're gay! But yeah... love you Tom~!


I stared at the note. Re-reading it over and over until my brain hurt.
I run over to Tord's room and knock on his door. Soon enough The door swung open. I look up at Tord. He looked away flustered, I grab his face.

Tord's POV
My face turned hot. Tom brought his face close to mine, soon enough he lightly pecked my lips.  I looked at him stunned. He held me closed and kissed me again. I out my arms around his neck. We pull apart and look and each other. Then we just start laughing. "Dude!!! Your so gay!!" Tom heckled at me. "I'm gay for you!" I smirked back. We couldn't stop laughing for what seemed like forever. "So does thing mean we're a-" I was cut off by Tom pecking my lips. "Yes" he murmured. I hugged him and held him close.

~time skip~

I laid on Tom's lap while he play his guitar. I started to fall asleep. Then Tom tackled me into a hug. I hugged him back and pecked him on the cheek. I cuddled to his chest and we fell asleep.

Best day ever

A/N: Hey!! Sorry it's kind of short. But Im tried! I hope your enjoying the series!

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