Chapter 17 ~ Run.

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Tord's POV
Shitshitshithsjriegshdh!! Edd is right there, did he see us..? No! Shut your ass up Tord. "So you guys um..." Edd looks confused "Lock the door next time." Edd closed the door and we were left confused as fuck. Tom broke the silence by laughing. I glare at him. "The look of your face Tord!" Tom giggled at me. I huff and get up. Tom grabbed the end of hoodie, knocking me off guard and nearly falling over. I looked at Tom who was giving me a pouty face. I ruffle my hand though his hair and chuckle. I try and get him off my hoodie but he won't fucking budge!

I give up and stare at him. He giggles and then starts laughing. "What the fuck are you laughing about?" I question. "You looked like a tomato!" "Fuck you Tomas." "How hard?" I blush when he said that. He continued to laugh and eventually got up and kissed me. Then walked out, I shrug and suddenly hear my phone ring. I answer and expect some ass telling me he will track me down and give me hell. But what I didn't expect to hear was from father.

(Tord) (pat)

"Tord! Run! Go to an hotel! They know where you live and are coming! They want to kill you!l

"How did they find out?!"

"I don't know! But leave your phone at home so they can't track you or Tom! They're after him to!"

"Father, are you and dad okay?"

"We're fine just be careful Tord!"

With that the Call ended. I throw my phone onto my bed and head onto my computer and book up into a hotel. I back up some clothes into a small suitcase, along with Tom's as well.
"Tord?" I heard someone behind me say. I turn around and see Edd. Looking concerned. "Edd! I um.. where's Tom?" "Uh down stairs" "thanks Edd!" I run downstairs and before I could get to Tom, a knock at the door. My heart dropped, fuck.

Tom's POV
I go up to answer the door but Tord cuts in front of me and grabs me and pulls me aside. "Tord?" I start. "Tom! Did you know Matt is touching Susan!?" Tord said worried. "Matt is on the couch." I point over to the narcissistic ginger sitting on the couch. Tord looks at me worried. I got fed up and pushed him out of the way and try and open the door. "Tom! Wait! There's a problem!" Tord looks like he's about to explode. "Tord calm your tits! There's nothing bad on the other side!" I almost yell opening the door. I see a guy holding a gun to my head and quickly close the door. "Or maybe there is!" I panic. Tord grabs me and pulls me into his room and locked me in. I bang on the door. "TORD! LET ME THE FUCK OUT!" I try to open it by unlocking it from the inside but no use. He jammed it. I groan. What the fuck!

"Tord! LET ME OUT!!!" I scream. That ass! I start trying kicking the door down. But my weak and skinny body wouldn't let me. I pound on the door and slide down onto the floor. "Tord you assbag..." I whimper.

~time skip~

I've been in here for 2 ducking hours! Yes I'm keeping track! I gave up on screaming for help. I start tearing up. Did Tord die or some shit. Or did he decide that I wasn't worth it? Why the fuck did he do this! He hasn't even yelled back and hasn't even given me any context to why the fuck I'm in here. I whimper in fear. I start feeling hot tears down my cheek.

Soon I feel the door start to open but I stayed in the corner. The door swung open. I didn't lookup to see who it was. I stayed in the corner quietly sobbing. "Tom.. are you okay?" I hear a Norwegian voice ask. "Tord...?" I whisper in a raspy voice. I feel warm arms wrap around me. I look at Tord he had a bruise on his right eye, a couple scratches on his face and his hoodie was a tiny bit torn. "Tord what the fuck happened?!" I almost yell "Where is Edd and Matt?!" "Tom, they're alright. I pushed them out of the house to go down town." "Tord. Tell me what the fuck happened!" "Tom I- I- It was... Nick's friend.." he stuttered "He was going to hurt you! I know it!" "Why didn't tell me? Why did you lock me in here?" "I had to Tom.. I'm so sorry." He hugged me tighter. I hugged back and held him tight. I start to tear up and cry into his shoulder. "Tom I'm sorry. I won't do it again." He cooed at me.

I held him and he kissed the top of my head. We sat like that for a while. Tord stood up and carried me bridal style. He sat me down on my bed and pecked my forehead and ran out, probably to clean up. I slip out of the bed to go check. I see Tord pick up glass and throw it away as well as some other shit. He curses some Norwegian under his breathe. He heads into the bathroom and I turn the corner. I look into one of the rooms Tord was cleaning in. It was his room, it had a couple broken things, like a picture Frame on his side table.

Soon I feel someone wrap his arms around my waist. "Tomas~! Why are you up~?" He purred into my ear. It sent chills down my spine. "I- um Tord.. um" I stuttered. Shit what do I say?! "Hey Tom wanna go to the park or something, maybe that can get our mind out of today." Tord said. "Sure" Tord soon lets go of me and goes to get changed. I walk out and slipped on a new hoodie. Mine was all sweaty and filled with tears and snot. I sigh and get out to wait for Tord.

A/N: this was a long chapter like over 1000 words!! :O

Tord has some secrets >:3

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