chapter 1 (a lonely star)

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Star stared at marco as he walked side by side with his girlfriend, Jackie-Lynn-Thomas. She sighed, looking down at her feet. The poor princess missed hanging out with her best friend, and now he's lost total interest with hanging out with her. "I just want my bestie back" she shrugged.

"Hey star" Star looked behind her to see a short black-haired girl with brown eyes looking at her calmly. "Janna!" Star smiled, her hands on her cheeks. "Where have you been!? I've been waiting for you for ages!" She chuckled. Janna shrugged and smirked back. "You know, in usual" she replied, a laugh behind her. "Classic Janna!" Star laughed. Janna squinted her eyes to take a closer look at what was in front of star. "..What were you looking at before?" She asked. "Me!? O-oh, nothing!!!" Replied star nervously, adding a fake laugh at the end. Janna shot back a skeptical face. "Really?" She said. Star nodded back quickly, her eyes wide open. "Ohhh, haha, lemme guess, Jackie and Marco?" Star stood there, not knowing how to reply. "Well...yeah kinda..." She replied, ashamed of herself. "Really though? Why?" Janna asked, looking star in the eyes a bit concerned. "Well you see Janna...I really really miss spending time with Marco since he's my bestie and everything but now he's all caught up with Jackie..Well, at least he WAS my bestie..." Star murmured back upsettingly.

Janna put her hand on Star's shoulder and looked at her deeply in the eyes. "Star, i understand that you really miss Marco, but if he's gonna act that way he's not good enough. You can always hang out with me, and when Marco see's how much fun we have together, he'll regret his whole life." Janna said back, winking.

Star put her hand over her mouth, tears almost falling down her face. "J-Janna.." She said, still shook after what had been said. She grabbed onto Janna's back and pushed it towards her, hugging her as tight as she could. Star shut her eyes, holding onto Janna like she was the most precious thing in the world. However Janna, the girl who said the most sweetest thing to the most sweetest girl, was flushing red like crazy. Her eyes widened, slowly grabbing onto star back. "woah, that was so unexpected.." Janna thought in her head, still blushing all sorts of reds.

Star let go, looking at Janna in her brown eyes. "Thank you, Janna..." She smiled. "N-no problem.." Janna stuttered, trying to control her pink face. "U-uhh..See you after school!" She shouted, covering her face with her beanie as she ran back to detention. Star giggled. "So cute."

To be continued soon!!!

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