Chapter 9 (the need for an alien princess)

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Marco walked up to the two girls and gasped. "Where were you two? I thought you had left somewhere without me!" He frowned. Star reached for another piece of popcorn as Janna put one arm around Star's shoulder. "Not my fault you worry about everything, Diaz" she said rolling her eyes. Marco raised an eyebrow and just shook his head, turning away. "Whatever, let's just line up to give our tickets" he said and grabbed Star's hand.

Marco looked over at Star and waited for her to look back, both of them smiling at each other. "You excited, Star?" He asked her. She nodded quickly, chewing the popcorn that was in her mouth. "This popcorn stuff is delicious too by the way!" She said. "Star, I-" Janna got interrupted with the sound of Star and Marco laughing at each other happily as they reached for more popcorn. Janna frowned and looked away.

As they waited in the line, Janna tried to think of what to say and do. She obviously wasn't into 'romance' and didn't understand how to impress someone she was falling for, so all she could do was do what she always did. "What's a prank that you've learnt recently?" She thought to herself. Thoughts raced through her head, but none seemed to satisfy her. As she looked to her left, a bottle of hot sauce was placed near the hot dog stand, and an empty milkshake cup was spotted sticking out in the bin. A straw was on the counter as well, perfect for a prank.

"Guys, hang on a sec! I need buy a milkshake real quick!" She said, moving her legs around. "Fine but be quick!" Marco said with a sigh. Janna raced over to the bin and grabbed the cup, including the hot sauce and straw from the straw dispenser and walked over to the corner of the stand. She washed out the cup and put in clean water, then added the hot sauce. Putting on the plastic lid and stabbing the straw into it, she walked around to Marco and Star and greeted them with a smile.

"I got one especially for you Marco!" She smiled handing it out, trying her best not to crack up. He raised an eyebrow and stared at the devious, beanie headed girl. "W-wait...for me?" He asked, double checking. Janna nodded, her hand still waiting for him to take the milkshake out of her hand. Star had to admit, even she was skeptical. Marco took the cup and smiled crookedly. "...Thanks, Janna" he said. "No problem, Diaz!" She replied with a grin and put her arm around Star once again. "I'll have it when the movie starts. That's how I usually do it, anyways" he said. Janna's eyebrows raised. Screaming from spicy-ness in the theatres!? She was having second thoughts about this prank.

I'm so sorry it took a while for this chapter to come out! I'm also sorry it's so short, but thank you so much for understanding. I even did a screenshot from everyone's comments saying "it's okay!" or "take your time!" It actually makes me so happy and I couldn't ask for better people to be reading this crappy story. So thank you all!

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