Chapter 11 (big news)

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As the sun had peeked over the trees, Janna's eyes blinked slowly with large bags under them. She'd been up since 3.00am thinking about Star and Marco kissing and what had even happened that afternoon. Her stomach started to hurl and grumble, the thought of vomiting crossed her mind. She ran up to the bath room as fast as she could, groaning and gurgling into the sink while bending over. She wiped her mouth slowly and closed her eyes, reminding herself that Marco kissed her, not Star. But nothing could fix the crack in her heart.


The tired short-haired girl stumbled over to her locker, slowly figuring out the combination. As she opened it up she checked the subject she had and reacted with a growl. "Maths? Seriously?" She rolled her eyes and grabbed her books, putting away her phone in the process. She turned her head and put it down, walking to the room she had to go to. The only thing she could think of was that afternoon. The prank. The popcorn. The drink. The kiss. Those scenes couldn't stop replaying in her tired and upset mind, and it wasn't too late until she realised she couldn't do anything about it.

The bell had went the past 10 seconds ago and Janna had waited at the front of her classroom, thinking about the obvious. She walked over to a desk and sat down, resting her head on the table. "Miss Janna," the voice of an old lady was heard above her head, "get out your books and do some revision!"
"But miss Skullni-"
"No buts! Now!" She ordered, tapping on her desk. Janna got out her books and did what the grumpy woman had said, but not completely reading her writing. She just glared at it and day dreamed like she had always done, but that morning was the worst she had ever been. It didn't even look like she was trying.

A few minutes had gone by before the next bell and more people had arrived.
"Janna..?" Another voice was heard right next to her. A voice sounding like Star's. Janna's head popped right up, an ambulance siren going through her head. "What? Yes? Hello?" She stuttered, shaking her head. "Janna, it's me" Star said, sitting down next to her. "Oh, hey Star.." Janna said, looking down at her books. "Look, I'm super sorry about yesterday! I know you probably got a fright and ran away. I'm sorry about that!" She said, waving her hands in front of her. Janna shrugged. She got a fright alright. "No, it''s okay. Don't worry about it" she mumbled. Star sighed in relief, closing her eyes slowly. "Well, I've got some news!" She said. News. Not news. Janna didn't have time for news, she didn't want any. She just wanted to sit down in her bedroom and sulk forgetting that anything even happened. "W-what?" She asked, looking Star in the eye.

"Me and Marco..we're a thing."

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I am actually really happy atm because this story finally reached 1K reads! Thank you so much, I never thought I could get so far in a wattpad book. I've also always wondered...what's your favorite chapter in this book??

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