Chapter 6 (Jackie's thoughts)

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Jackie stood there with her hand on the door handle, her eyes filled with rage. "Marco, you're saying that...I'm the reason Star is upset? And I'm the reason that you can't hang out with her?" Marco got up from his seat and shook his head rapidly. "No, no no!" He said, walking up to his girlfriend. "You're definitely not! Don't think that please!" Jackie looked at Marco and sighed. "No Marco, I actually think I am. You can't spend time with your best friend all because of me." Marco's eyes widened and his pupils got smaller, and at the same time he was shaking too. Janna stared at the two in utter shock. "Don't leave me Jackie" he sobbed.
Star sat down on the corner of a playground and sighed. "I'm really lucky to have Janna" she said, smiling. She knew that without her she would be lonely and even more sad, and whenever she thought that, a feeling of butterflies or hope enter into her system. Smiling, she stood up and walked to Marco's home, a bit more happier than earlier on.
Jackie shook her head. "I don't know, Marco. I feel like I'm ruining your relationship with Star. I mean, think about it! She's been so lonely, only having Janna to hang out with. I can tell she's sad and in pain, and it's all my fault." Marco stopped shaking, only a sigh coming out of his mouth. "Look Marco, I'm smart. I know when things aren't meant to be" she continued, "but I don't think we should be dating any longer. I think we should just stick to being friends.." Janna stared at them, her hand covering her mouth. She had no idea it would go this far. Marco nodded and held back his tears that were stinging his eyes severely. "Okay, Jackie..Just friends?" He asked. "Just friends."

Star opened the front door, her eyes widened to the sight of both Jackie and Janna there. "Oh, hey Jackie. Hey Janna" Star said, sitting down next to Janna on the couch. "What's..going on?" She asked. Jackie looked over at Marco with a long face. "Me and Marco. We're breaking up.." She said. Star gasped in shock. "W-wait, why!?" She asked, her hand covering her mouth. "I'm ruining your friendship with Marco, Star. And I'm sorry" she apologised. Star suddenly felt bad. "Jackie, you guys didn't have to break up! I just wanted to spend time with Marco again like we used to" Star replied. Jackie shook her head once again. "But if I continued dating Marco you still wouldn't have it" she replied. Star nodded. "Right..." Jackie walked up to Star and hugged her tightly. "Don't feel bad, it's alright" Jackie said calmly. She let go of Star and said goodbye to Marco and Janna, leaving on her skateboard. Jackie was upset too, but she knew what was best for Marco. Walking up to Marco, Star put her hand on Marco's shoulder. "It was for the best I guess" she said. Marco sighed and nodded. "Yeah. For the best."

Another short chapter. Well, I hope you enjoyed. If you did, please vote and add to reading list to stay up to date with the chapters :)

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