Chapter 12 (get over it)

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Janna stared at the blonde next to her in disbelief. "Y-you're what?" She asked, stuttering a little. "We're a thing. As in..we're dating" she repeated. An emotion like someone stabbing her in the guts started to kick into her system, making her heart beat faster and faster. "Ah, that'" She replied, trying not to sound like she was about to cry madly. Star nodded, thoughts racing through her mind. "She doesn't care?" She thought, thinking the situation over and over again. "Odd."

That day, Janna knew she had a crush on Star. I mean, wasn't it obvious? But this time, Janna was positive. She knew she liked girls in the first place, she just wasn't sure if star was the one. She kept looking over at star as she stared blankly at the bored, not even understanding what was going on. "Janna! Answer this question!" Miss skullnick ordered, watching the poor girl spin her head to the front. "Uhh...I don't know? I didn't have my hand up in the first place?" She replied sarcastically. The troll's eyes narrowed furiously as she stared into Janna's, her fists being ready to use. "No back chatting young lady!!!" She screamed, walking up to her desk. Only a sigh came out of her mouth as she looked down, knowing she would be having extra homework that night.

Janna got out her jacket from her locker and put the hoodie over her head, walking down the street to get home. She's planned for  years about telling her parents she was gay, and as soon as she found out star was dating Marco, she realised her life was too short and it was better soon then never.
"I'm doing it tonight."

She turned the knob to her door and walked in, the floor creaking slightly. "I'm home!" No reply. "Ah, they're at work..." Janna reminded herself, throwing her bag across the room. They'll be home in 30 minutes. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes, a large sigh escaping her mouth. She knew she couldn't tell dad, she knew he just wouldn't accept her, but she had trust in her mum and decided to tell her.
An hour had passed and neither Janna's mum or dad had came home. She shuffled over to the clock and frowned. "Why aren't they home yet? Ugh...I can't stand this any longer" she grunted as she walked over to the fridge to get more food. Only more hours had passed until it reached 7:30pm, making Janna feel extremely worried and scared. She dialed her mum's number into her phone and waited for a reply, but nothing happened. "No, no, no...." She said, feeling tears sting her eyes.
"Where are they!?"
She didn't have her dad's number on her phone, but he arrived usually 20 minutes after her mum arrives home. However, it had been 2 and a half hours since  they were supposed to come home, and the last thing Janna wanted was them getting into an accident.

She glanced quickly at her contacts, finding who to call. "No, no...." She stopped swiping when she saw the name of the perfect person to call.

"Hiya! It's Star!" the bubbly girl answered. "Star, I need your help. Like, urgently." Janna said, her voice getting serious. "Janna, what's wrong?" Star asked. "My parents" Janna sighed,"they were supposed to come home literally 2 and a half hours ago but they haven't, and they won't answer my calls." She muttered. A loud gasp was heard from the other side of the phone. "Oh my god Janna..." She said, her hand covering her mouth. "Come over to me and Marco's place until you hear something from your parents." She suggested. A smile plastered across Janna's face. "Really Star? Thank you!" She replied happily. "You're a life saver dude." Star laughed, glad knowing she made Janna happy. "Ah, anytime."

Look who finally made a new chapter? It's literally been like 3 weeks and I'm terribly sorry but here ya go aha. Sorry if it makes no sense or there are a few mistakes, I rushed this one. Anywho, please vote if you enjoyed :D

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