Chapter 10 (fire-breathing Marco)

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Before I start this chapter, I just wanted to say thanks for all the support, love and comments on my story! ❤️

The three teenagers gave their tickets and walked into the large, dark room and found a seat near the back. Stars eyes sparkled from the sight of the humongous bright screen in front of her and smiled, following Janna who had her hand around Stars shoulder. The three of them finally found their seat and sat down, both Janna and Marco patting the seat between them for Star to sit on.
"I'm so excited!!" Star blurted while grabbing more popcorn.
"When are you not excited.." Marco sighed as Star put her finger up to his mouth as a sign to 'be quiet.' Janna laughed, a feeling of nerves crawled up her spine. "It can't be that bad!" She thought to herself. But you see, Janna had been through enough pranks and trouble to see where this was going.

After a few minutes, the movie had finally started, and Marco picked up the cup next to him. Janna shut her eyes and hoped for the best as she held on tightly to her seat. A large slurp was heard near her, and as she slowly opened her eyes, Marco slowly made a concerned looking face. "Janna..what kind of drink is thi-" his eyes widened and his mouth dropped, and after a few seconds a loud scream could be heard from across the room. "Hot!!!" The boy screamed, jumping right out of his seat and making his way down the steps and out of the room. "Marco? Marco!!" Star shouted, following him. Janna shook her head as she followed the magical princess. She knew it was going to end up something like this, at least something that would embarrass Marco terribly and make him hate Janna forever.

Marco ran up to a water dispenser and kneeled down, letting it spray onto his mouth. "Gahhh!!" He shouted as star and Janna walked up to him. "Marco, what happened!?" She asked, patting his back. "Janna..that cup! What did you put in it!?" He shouted frowning. "Have a wild guess" she said sarcastically, soon realizing that would only make the mad Diaz angrier. "That's it! I'm so done with you, Janna! I regret even letting you come with us!" He shouted, stomping up to the beanie headed girl as she tried to avoid him. "Marco.." Star said, grabbing his back and pulling him away from Janna. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know you were gonna have it in the actual room, I thought you'd have it straight away!" She explained, waving her hands in front of her. "I don't care!" He shouted. "It's still not okay to do that!" Star kept pulling him away from Janna as she stared at Marco, finding something to say. "Fine" Janna sighed. "I'll leave, if that's what you want." She said turning her back. "Wait, Janna!" Star shouted, letting go of Marco. "Please stay! You and Marco can work things out together and we can go somewhere else!" She said, grabbing Janna's arm while staring into her eyes. There was absolutely no way Janna could say no to those eyes. "Okay Star, if that's what you want" she said, glaring at Marco. Star hugged her tightly and smiled. "Yay, thank you!!"
Janna smiled back. "You're welcome."

The three walked out of the cinema's, Marco still quite upset. Star looked around, holding both Marco and Janna's hand. "Hey, want some cotton candy?" Star asked, looking at both of them. "Sure, I'll go get it!" Janna said, winking at Star as she smiled back. She walked up to the counter and gave her money, grabbing the fluffy desert while she walked back to find Marco and Star.
"Where are they..?" Janna asked herself as she looked around. She stopped what she was doing and gasped, almost dropping what was in her hand. Tears swelled up in her eyes and her heart pumped faster and faster as she stared at the disaster that was happening right in front of her. Marco had kissed Star for a while as he shut his eyes tightly, however Star had a shocked and surprised look on her face. Janna shook her head slowly and dropped the candy, getting ready to turn away. After Star had finally moved away, she looked to her left to see Janna's shocked face while gasping. "Wait, J-Janna!!!" She shouted. The beanie headed girl shut her eyes and ran off, leaving the candy on the ground. Her limbs were shaking. Her mouth was shaking. She was shaking.

"I knew she never liked me"

Wowza's. What a dramatic chapter, hope you liked it. If you did, please vote. It would the world! :) (new chapter might take a while to come out, sorry if it does)

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