Chapter 3 (an afternoon out)

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"Weird.." Jackie said, looking over at Marco. "Star isn't always like that."
Marco nodded in response.
"Yeah, why did she just cut me off and leave like that?" He said. The two shrugged and wondered off into the house, minding their own business.
The two teenage girls walked side by side together, not saying much.
"So, uhh...Star..." Janna started, trying not to make eye contact.
"Hm?" Star replied.
Janna tried to think of what to say. What was she even saying? She didn't want this to be awkward, she wanted to show star she was happy about their afternoon out.
"You excited?" Janna smirked, finally saying something.
"Totally, Janna!" Star nodded, smiling brightly. She reached over to hold Janna's hand, both of them blushing ridiculously.
"Star!? What are you doing!?" She thought in her head. "Your making things even more awkward!"
Janna closed her eyes and smiled.
"I'm really enjoying it so far.." She said in a soft-like voice. "I enjoy everything with you" Star replied. Janna's eyes shot wide open, her face redder than a tomato. "Heheh...." She laughed, trying her hardest not to make a complete fool of herself. "J-Janna...are you..blushing?" Star asked as she looked over at her. "N-no!" Janna screamed, half jumping. Her face only got redder. Star looked at Janna with a smile, soon snorting and cracking up. Janna turned her head, but soon started laughing with Star. "Janna, you idiot..." Star giggled.

After a few more minutes, the two girls finally reached the café. "I'll go order" Star said, walking up to the counter. Janna sat down, looking down at the table. "This wasn't what I was looking for in our afternoon out. I was hoping we could do something" Janna sighed to herself. After Star had finally came back, she walked back to Janna who didn't seem very pleased. "Janna? Are you okay?" Star asked, sitting down next to her. Janna nodded. "Yeah! I was just hoping, we could go..somewhere else.." She replied. Star frowned slightly, thinking of a nice place they could possibly go. "Well..." She said back in her sing-song voice. "We could go over to the beach and enjoy ourselves over there?" Star suggested. "Yes please!" Janna said, almost yelling. Star laughed slightly. "Okay Janna, clam yourself..!"

Walking into the distance, Star and Janna held hands again as they made their way to the beach. Janna sighed. "Ugh, dude, this is gonna take us all night to get there!" Janna groaned. Star's eyes beamed wide open as an idea popped into her head. "Don't worry friend, I know the solution!" Star got out her wand from behind her and waved it right in front of her face, standing in front of Janna so she wouldn't get hurt. Sparkles shot out of the magical device, and a large fluffy unicorn had appeared faster then both of them could even imagine. "Holy...why didn't you do this before?" Janna asked, still staring at the huge creature. "Dunno, just came to mind." She shrugged. She grabbed Janna by the hand and helped her up making sure she had her hands wrapped around stars shoulders. "Ready Janna banana?" She asked, her face full of determination. "Pretty sure" Janna replied. The wild creature leaped furiously in the air, sprinting faster then Janna had ever seen. She couldn't believe what she was doing right now. "Star, this is...unbelievable!" She shouted, gripping onto stars shoulder tighter as the unicorn jumped higher. After a less than a minute, they had reached their destination.

"We're here!" Star smiled, arms wide open. "The air is...a lot more different!" This was stars second time visiting earths beaches. The first time, star was with Marco. This reminded star of her and Marco and how much time they had spent together, and how that might never happen again. But now, star was with Janna, a whole other person, which made her smile.

Janna grabbed onto stars hand and looked over at her happily. The two of them smiled calmly, gazing into one another's eyes. As soon as any of them could say something, Star's eyes moved slightly to what was behind her. And what was behind her was something she had no idea could even show up at this time. "Star?" Janna said. She looked over at what she was distracted by, and Janna couldn't believe it either. "Oh no..."

To be continued...
Please give feedback and vote for this if you enjoyed it, and thank you for reading! :) fuluvsan i took your advice and it made the book a lot more better, thanks! ^_^

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