chapter 17; the search for Marco

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word count: 584

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Janna slowly took a step through the portal, rethinking the idea over and over again. Taking a deep breath, she walked through and didn't look back.

As the girl looked around she saw a pitch black sky and a large moon with other planets in front of her eyes, with tall trees surrounding her. However, as she looked through the distance, a tall castle was settled amongst the bushes. It was extremely large, yet so far away. "This must be Mewni..Which means..Star is here!" Janna said to herself with a smile. She carefully ventured through in sight for Star and possibly Marco.

With her wand in her hand, Star put on a frown and jumped from tree to tree. It was one of the biggest frowns she had ever put on in a while. Janna having an attitude with her and leaving, then Star finding a portal in Marco's room with him out of sight. What's next? It couldn't get any worse. And Star never knew Janna could be so rude sometimes. However that was how Star acted when Marco was dating Jackie. Could Janna feel left out? or even worse..Jealous? Star kept running towards the castle and shook her head.

After a few more minutes, Star finally reached her destination. "Finally!" she panted and stopped in her tracks to take a breath. She went over to the gate at the front of the castle and tried to open it, but didn't seem to budge. "Weird.." She said as she chewed on the wing of her wand. "Oh, my wand! silly me" She grinned and put it in front of her face, and a loud blast of magic shot out and hit the gate.

But nothing happened.

"What!?" She looked at her wand and squinted her eyes, but nothing was wrong with it. Putting it in front of her, she tried the spell again, but nothing worked. After a few more goes, the blonde eventually gave up. She turned around and looked at the gate once again. "Maybe one more spell.." She thought. She put her wand in front of her face once again."Turbo nuclear butterfly blast!!" She yelled and jumped into the air. Bright colours and butterflies flew out and hit the ground, startling Star. "Oops..!" The magic made her shoot up and fly across the sky, unable to control herself as she screamed. The princess was so loud that Janna could hear her as she soared through the clouds. "Star? Star!!" Janna called and waved her arms like crazy. Star looked below as she saw Janna waving, her face full of confusion. She aimed her wand to the ground far below her and magic shot out of it, making her bounce back to the ground with a thud.

Janna ran over and shook Stars shoulder. "Star!? Star Butterfly!?" The blonde slowly opened her eyes and looked around. "Oh, back to square one" she said in a huff and brushed the dirt of her short mint coloured dress. "Are you..okay?" Janna asked as she followed behind her and scratched her head. "Oh yeah! totally, totally, never been better!" she replied sarcastically, showing Janna her sarcastic tone earlier that day upset her. Janna frowned. "Oh, fine then.." Janna said and crossed her arms disappointedly.

They were both quite mad at each other and didn't show no sign of communication while they walked through the forests. Eventually, Janna had a feeling of guilt rise onto her. The girl kept her mouth shut though, she promised she wouldn't say anything until Star would.


Another short chapter because I'm retarded. Any who, hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm going back to school after a 2 week break (i'm in Australia, we do things differently) so i'll be a lot more busy. Please vote if you liked it! :)

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