chapter 19; i've waited my whole life (FINAL)

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after months and months and possibly even 2 years, i'm finally back to pay off what you've all been waiting for. i'm not sure if anyone still reads this or is even waiting for an update, but here it is! the very last! please enjoy. THIS IS VERY HALF ASSED BTW LMAOO I'M TIRED, OKAY?

(the only reason i'm even finishing this is because i saw everyone's comments wanting me to update. i'm a much more experienced writer now, so hopefully you enjoy. even though it's rushed and still shitty...)


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-"

Janna awoke to the sound of Star's muttering voice echoing in her head, making her rub her eyes and sit up from the rock hard ground.

"Star? What... what the hell?"

The blonde's head immediately turned to meet Janna's eyes, a nervous smile making its way along her face. "Oh! Janna... it's nothing, really," she mumbled, twirling a piece of long hair around her pointer finger.

A nervous silence laid upon them, Janna raising an irritated eyebrow. That was until Star finally owned up, sighing. "Fine," she groaned. "How am I supposed to tell Marco about what happened last night? I mean, obviously I'm breaking up with him, but how will he react!? Is it gonna ruin our friendship forever? What's he gonna do when-"

Star felt herself jump as Janna placed both her hands on her shoulders, patting them lightly with her typical reassuring grin. "Woah woah, Star, dude," she chuckled. "I know things are kind of difficult right now, but if Marco doesn't respect your decision, than he doesn't deserve you as anyone."

The princess felt her heart rate slow down, a wave of relief washing over her as she looked up at Janna's fond smile. The same smile she wore when they first met, the same smile Star sees through the window of the detention room before waving back at her. The smile she makes whenever she's trying to get a smile on Star's face.

Star reached up and placed a hand on top of Janna's, taking it off her shoulder and instead holding it tightly in her own. "What did I ever do to deserve you," she giggled, before standing on her tip toes and placing a kiss on the tip of Janna's nose.

"Existing, I guess."


Marco made his way to the top of a hill, using his hand as shade from the blazing sun blurring out his vision. "I'm gonna lose my mind," he whispered to himself.

After hours of staying in a dimension where he had no access to food, the boy felt himself cringe to the sound of his stomach groaning. This was starting to become way too much, and Marco could feel his patience becoming thinner by the second. He exhaled inwards, before screaming at the top of his lungs,

"Star Butterfly!"

Of course there was silence, what was he expecting? Star to just magically appear out of nowhere? He continued to wander around screaming the girl's name, awaiting any sign of her presence. He'd been waiting all night to find her again. Marco knew the princess long enough to realise that she'd come searching for him without hesitation, so there was no need to doubt that thought. But the more he searched, the louder the sounds of a blasting wand ventured, and the faster his feet travelled to figure out its location.

"Marco! Marco Diaz!"

A smile found its way on his face once he realized the voice was coming from Janna, which was exactly what he needed to see. The two of them, finally working together again. His feet continued to carry him to the two girls, a relieved smile making his eyes squint, panting heavily as he made a stop.

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