Chapter 8 (popcorn)

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Janna ran through the school door and checked her watch. "3:15" she said, panting down the street. "Only 30 minutes to get ready." She slammed the front door open as soon as she reached her house and opened her room, grabbing what she needed. She only needed her wallet since she left it that morning. Classic, unorganized Janna.

Janna's parents were both at work and had no idea she was going out that afternoon, but they arrive at night so Janna would be back in time to pretend she went no where.

Without even knocking, she punched the Diaz's door open and ran inside in search for Star. "Marco? Star?" She called, walking into the living room. "Janna banana!" A bubbly voice yelled from across the room. She ran up to Janna and hugged her tightly, her face extremely close to Janna's. "Hey star" Janna replied, hiding her blush by turning away. Star held her hand and brought it up to her chest, looking at her with a bright smile. "U-um, so...what movie are we watching?" Janna asked, trying to act casual. "I actually have no idea, but Marco said its a really good one and I can't wait to watch it with you!" She laughed, jumping up and down still holding Janna's hand. Janna rolled her eyes and smiled. "Pfft, since when did Marco have a good taste in movies?" Janna replied with a smirk. Star giggled. "I heard that" a voice came from upstairs. Both Janna and Star looked up to see Marco walking down the stairs in his regular red hoodie and jeans. "You're here already, Janna? You're usually super late." Janna rolled her eyes again and crossed her arms. "I would have been late if Star wasn't coming." Star looked at Janna and smiled. "Wait, I would have said no anyways!" She added. "Awwww, Janna!" Star said and put her arms on her chest with a huge smile. Marco replied with a groan and took Star's hand. "Come on, let's go."

The three of them let Mrs. Diaz drive them to the cinemas, and walked inside. "Hey Star" Janna said, tapping her on the shoulder. "Wanna get some popcorn?" Stars eyes widened and a smile ran across her face. "Would I!? Wait...would I?" She asked herself. "What do you mean? You've never had popcorn?" Janna asked her with a small laugh. Star shrugged. "Never heard of it!" As an alien princess from another dimension, it didn't surprise Janna. "Then let's go get some!" She said and grabbed Star's hand.

Janna grabbed the popcorn and it put it between her and Star as they walked side by side. "Gimme!!" She shouted and dived her hand into the cardboard bucket. She chewed on the popcorn loudly and looked at Janna. "Well?" She said. "It's extremely salty...I like it!" She said, digging for more. Janna cracked up laughing, her face smiling. Star stopped eating and looked over at Janna, her face blushing and slowly smiling back. She stared at her for a while until Janna stopped laughing and looked at Star too. "O-oh, haha" Star said looking away with a pink face. Janna took her hand and held the popcorn, walking towards Marco. "C'mon, let's go."

For some odd reason, I like my chapters short. This was gonna be a whole chapter with 1000 words but nooo, you guys can wait right? I hope you enjoyed and if you did please vote :D

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