chapter 5 (a word with Marco)

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Relaxing on the old couch, Jackie lay on Marco's shoulder and didn't say a word. "Marco..." Jackie said, a concerned look spread across her face. "Yes?" replied Marco. "Do you think Star likes you?" She asked, looking up at him. "No! No! obviously not, she likes oscar. Remember?" He said, smiling. Jackie sighed. "Yeah, i guess so."

Janna wandered around the street, searching for Star. "Star? Star? Star butterfly!?" She called out. No answer. She shut her eyes, feeling tears sting them. "Ugh" She groaned. Janna was furious and determined to speak with Marco and tell him how much of a doofus he was. Making Star have to fake her smiles and then cry was way to over board, Janna couldn't stand it. Speaking of crying, a sobbing sound echoed through the distance, not too far away from where Janna was. "...Star!?" Running, she grabbed her beanie so it wouldn't fly off from the speed she was going. "Star!" She called again. Turning her head, she saw Star curled up behind a bush, a fews tears down her cheeks. "Oh my god, Star!"Janna gasped in shock, running up to her and sitting down. "Don't worry about Marco, he doesn't know what he's talking about" She said, patting Stars hair. "I know, i know, I'm overreacting. I'm not usually like this Janna! this never happens..." She sniffed. Janna's eyes widened. She didn't mean it like that! "No no no Star, it's okay to cry! Marco is so confusing, i don't blame you for crying." She smiled, looking at Star. Speechless, star smiled back too. Grabbing Janna's back, she pulled her closer for a hug, only making star cry even more. "I couldn't ask for a better friend, Janna..." She sobbed, tears streaming down her face. Closing her eyes, janna hugged back, a smile across her face. "Don't mention it Star."

As the sun swam underneath the skies, Jackie walked over to Marco and tapped him gently on the shoulder. "It's getting late Marco" She said, with a tired face. Marco nodded. "Yeah, you're right..." he replied, a bit disappointed she had to leave so soon. "Well, see you later then." Jackie went up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek making Marco smile, and soon left out the door. "See ya." Just as she opened the door, Janna was right in front of her, almost knocking each other over. "Janna!" "Jackie!" Both the girls said at the same time. "Ah, what a shame Janna, i'm leaving right now! next time then?" She asked. Janna nodded, adding a wave as she left on her skateboard. Marco looked at Janna, a look of concern on his face. "Jan-" "Don't even think about it Marco" She said, interrupting him. Stomping up to Janna, Marco's eyes widened in disbelief. "What are you doing here?" He yelled. "You know why! Did you realise Marco that Star misses you and you're just ignoring her 24/7 for absolute no reason? You just wanna make out with Jackie and forget she even exists!" Janna replied, rolling her eyes. Marco's eyes narrowed as he stomped up to Janna with his fists being ready to use. "I am not, Janna! and you know that!" he yelled angrily. "And Star needs to learn that i can't always be with her!" "At least hang out with her once a week! but no Marco, you can't even do that!"

The two sat in silence, sighing away. "Do you think...All this is Jackie's fault?" Marco asked, closing his eyes. Janna shook her head. "No. It's y-" Janna suddenly got cut off with a loud slam. "So it's my fault?" Marco and Janna looked at each other in shock. "J-jackie!?"

Sorry this chapter had to come out so late! If you enjoyed please vote, it always makes me happy :) PS: if the last bit was confusing, read it over again or just wait for the next chapter, i guess...aha.

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