Chapter 15; an argument

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Hi everyone :) I know everyone has probably forgotten about this book because of how busy I've been but I'll continue anyway. Please vote if you liked it.

Janna turned to the sight of Marco and Star hugging behind her, doing those things those...couples do.
She rolled her eyes and went with it, trying not to make a big deal. But it was hurting inside.

"Janna banana!!" Star screamed and ran up to Janna on the couch, who was quite startled from how loud she was. "Me and Marco are goin' to the shops to get some stuff, do you wanna come?" She asked with a wide smile. Janna put on what she called a 'flirtatious smirk' and replied with "if you're going, then sure." The room was filled with silence for a couple seconds, but Star went with it. "Okay then!" She said, and clapped her two hands together. Janna turned around and sighed to see Marco's face, looking at her weirdly.
"What Diaz?" She said, making a weird face. "Nothing! Nothing at all.."

When the 3 got there, they walked casually into a shop next to each other. As Janna was thinking about saying something, she looked over to see Star holding Marco's hand. She made the face of a frown and crossed her arms, looking away. Kind of like what a 6 year old would do if they didn't get what they wanted, except...without crying. Try complimenting her! Janna thought to herself. "Hey,'re looking really..uh, nice today?" She said raising an eyebrow with a grin, but instead looking like a complete idiot. "Thanks Janna?" Star laughed, however Marco had took Star's hand again and gestured them to go over to a different store. The 2 went over, but Janna stopped in her tracks and looked up at the sky groaning. "Whyyyy?"

They had gone everywhere. To the nail salon, to the jewelry store, to the food courts, even the grocery store. And Janna still wasn't satisfied with her work. She only felt left out, a third wheeler. She was thinking about just giving up. The 2 only ignored her anyway and acted like she never existed.

"Janna" Star said, tapping her friend on the shoulder. "You okay? You're acting weird." Janna's eyes lit up and she let out a big sigh. "Wow, you're asking how I'm feeling! That's a haven't spoken to me the whole day" she replied with a sarcastic tone. Star frowned, this was unusual to be coming out of Janna's mouth. "I'm sorry Janna, I didn't know...wait that didn't sound right..I-I'm sorry!" She tried to explain but it only made it sound like Star really did forget all about her. Janna turned away and sighed once again. "Whatever, I can always pay a taxi to get home" she suggested. Star crossed her arms and wrinkled her nose. "If you don't want to be with us, fine then. Go ahead" she said, turning her back as well. Janna had the feeling of something stabbing her in the back. Without a word, she walked off without looking back.

Star felt a feeling of guilt rise into her. She made Janna feel sad and left out, and she has never wanted a friend to ever feel like that. She walked over to where Marco was and went to sit down, but by the time she got there, he was gone.
"M-Marco?" She called. She tried again. And again. And once more. But there was no reply.

Well there we have it. Because I don't want people to forget about this stupid book, I'll publish chapters more. And again, please vote if you liked it ^.^

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