Chapter 18; the truth

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Word count; 1018!!!

i've been tired and stuff lately but i'm seeing supportive comments so here's another chapter :') this is a really important chapter of the book btw! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

A cold breeze flew through the air past Star and Janna, who were trying to find their way to the castle. As Janna looked to her left, a large cave with a few rocks was located near them. With a loud gasp, Janna ran over and sat down.

"What are you doing?" Star groaned and gave Janna a glare.

"No need to get all up at me, I just thought we could stay here..for the night. I mean, it's like 3 am in this dimension" Janna shrugged.

Star grunted and shuffled over to the rock... The rock that was the most furtherest away from Janna. She wrapped her arms around her and shivered loudly, looking for any way to heat up. Getting up from her seat, the magical princess grabbed a few sticks and put them in a large pile, carving and rubbing them until a fire had appeared in front of her. Janna got up and looked at Star surprised.

"How did you do that?" she asked tilting her head.

"Marco taught me..." Star sighed and looked away.

Janna frowned and looked away as well, and both were stuck in an awkward silence. Janna decided to put her hands in front of the fire and rub them together to make her a little warmer.

"Well, I can do tons of cool things as well!" Janna boasted as Star slowly raised an eyebrow.

"You wish..." Star frowned and crossed her arms.

Janna bit her lip and narrowed her eyes at the blonde in distastefulness. She had never seen such a happy and positive girl act like a spoilt and immature brat. Janna stepped forward and let out a large sigh.

"I'm going to bed.." Star got up and carried a pile of large leaves the size of her face, and laid them above her. She turned over and closed her eyes, and not a sound was heard from her afterwards. Janna looked down in disappointment and repeated what Star had done, and settled down next to her. After a while, the dark haired girl frowned as she found she couldn't get to sleep. The girl got up and rubbed her eyes, but looked to her right to see Star laying next to her. However she wasn't fast sleep like Janna expected. Her eyes were wide open, and tears were sliding down her cheeks each time she blinked.

"Star..." Janna looked at her friend concerned as she gave Star a fright.

"W-what are you doing?" Star sniffed and rubbed her eyes as she sat up like Janna.

"Star, i'm sorry..I know the attitude i gave you was wrong... I jus-"

"Don't worry about it! I'm fine!" tears stung Star's eyes again.

Janna frowned and shook her head. "No it's not! See!? You're crying! Because of me!"

The two sat and stared at each other in silence, the only sound was the breeze and Stars sniffles.

"The reason i've been acting like a total jerk recently is because...I've been gaining feelings for you that will, definitely, surprise you" Janna said suddenly. Star looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.

"What feelings? Hate? Anger? Sadness?" Star asked wiping tears. Janna shook her head and smiled.

"Ever since you started dating Marco, I thought that I felt left out. But i realised those feelings..were actually jealousy." Star gasped and covered her mouth, squinting her eyes at Janna.

"What?" Star looked at her with hurt eyes.

"But thats not the thing! You see, the thing is, Star..." Janna took a deep breath and looked into Stars pale blue eyes.

"I've been developing a crush on you."

Stars eyes widened and her mouth dangled open, completely speechless.

"..And I've been jealous and sad and stressed all because I know you don't feel the same way as me..So don't feel bad, I know you'll find me weird and everything now, but it's the truth.. I just.." Janna felt a tear sting her eye and tried to blink it back.

Janna looked down to see Stars hand slowly reaching out for hers. The blonde grabbed Janna's hand and held it softy in her palm.

"Star?" Janna looked at her dimensional friend and raised an eyebrow.

Star continued to lean closer and closer to her friend, watching Janna lean back each inch she took up.

"Star...what are you doing?" The girl asked as she turned her head away from Star.

The blonde princess leaned in furtherer until she felt her lips meet Janna's, and kissed her slowly. With her hands gently holding Janna's flustered cheeks, Janna had kissed her back quickly, squeezing her hand in Star's. It wasn't long until they both had to come back up for air.

Star had a surprised look as she looked at Janna, who slowly opened her eyes to look back at Star with an astounded face. Both stared at each other with a dark red flush on their cheeks and smiled.

"Janna...I-" Star was interrupted as she felt Janna push her against the ground and land another kiss.

As she leaned back to take another breath, Star reached out her hand and brushed Janna's hair out of her eyes with a smile.

"You're the most important thing that has ever happened to me...Did you know that?" Star said and gave Janna a cute little grin.

Janna dived into Star's arms on the ground and hugged her tightly.

"Well, now I do..." Janna whispered and closed her eyes. She wrapped her hand around Star's waist as they laid down together, and the sound of Star's snoring could be heard.

And not long after, Janna had fell asleep in Star's arms as well.


This is the chapter you've all been waiting for lmao..anyway I'll try updating more when I have time but make sure to add this to your reading list to stay up to date!!

(I'm adding a picture to this chapter later throughout the week btw)

(Also I stg if anyone calls this "smut" I'm giving you a lecture on what smut really is because I will NEVER write smut)

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