chapter 13 (a new home for now)

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Janna  rushed to her room and grabbed all her gear, shoving them into her bag that probably couldn't even fit her lunch box. She panted as she ran back and forth upstairs, finally grabbing her jacket to complete her packing kit. "Done!" she said, wiping the sweat off her forehead. She glanced over to the time on the microwave and sighed.

While she leaped outside into the ocean of darkness, she got out her phone as a torch to show the way. Car's and Busses drove past, the sounds of peoples voices echoed through the distance. The beanie headed girl was scrolling through her phone as she walked through her dark neighbourhood, slowly walking up to where her school was. She glanced at the sight of her small high school and cringed. "Sheesh, you don't gotta remind me about my 20 other assignments i gotta do.." she mumbled to herself. As she took the next corner of the path, a large house surrounded by cactuses with a castle shaped building stuck out the end of it. "Here we are again" she sighed, walking up to the front door. Knocking on the door, she heard the sounds of footsteps gradually turning into large jumps, soon seeing Star's excited happy face opening the door. "Janna banana!" She squealed happily. "Sup Star" Janna replied smiling. The happy blonde hugged her friend and gestured her to come inside.

"We got nachos and everything!" She blurted. "Well yeah, I sure can see that.." Janna nodded as she took a look at the bench in front of her. A whole bowl of nachos were sitting there, waiting to be eaten. Star looked at her friend and frowned. "Don't worry Janna. We'll take care of you!" She smiled. Janna glanced at Star. "Well yeah, do you think I don't trust you?" She asked. Star thought for a while. "I don't know...Do you feel comfortable here?" She asked looking at Janna. Well, she wasn't ready for all of Star and Marco's 'lovey-dovey' moments, but she trusted the Diaz family and she wanted to spend more time with Star. "Duh, of corse I do. You're my friend" she said, making a crooked smile. Stars smile widened. "Aww, Janna" she said, reaching in for a hug. Janna felt her heart warm up, a fuzzy feeling grew inside of her. As she was about to say something, she had gotten interrupted. "Oh, Janna. You got here quick!" Marco said as he walked down the stairs.

"Hey, Marco..." Janna said, a feeling of guilt swam into her brain. "Well I got your mattress ready and everything!" He said, clapping his hands together. A loud gurgle sound was made as Janna immediately looked down at her stomach with a crooked smile. "Haha, uh, I'm kind of hungry so..may I?" Janna's hand was hovering above the bowl of nachos. Marco nodded and star smiled, insisting her friend to try Marco's nachos.

Janna lay in the Diaz's living room, eating away at the nachos. She looked over to her left to see Star and Marco hugging each other, playfully being a couple and being what people would call 'cute.' "She's happy now, Janna. This is what she's always wanted" she told herself. But little did Janna notice, living with her crush and her crushes boyfriend for at least a night would be harder than she thought.

OML I'M V TIRED. It's been legit 2 weeks since my last chapter I'm so sorry so here we are lmao hope you liked it. Don't worry Marco won't be a plot device he's going to have a special part in the story and it'll actually be decent. I have tons of notifications from everyone, I'll check them in the morning :D

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