Chapter 4 (a small surprise)

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Shaking, both the girls had their heads facing what they both were not expecting.
Jackie and Marco.
"Why do they have to be here now?" Janna asked, frowning. Star shook her head. They were only 4 meters away from each other, it was surprising that Jackie and Marco hadn't noticed them yet. All of a sudden, the two had started making out, making both Janna and star "eww" out loud. "C'mon Star, let's just go..." Janna said grabbing Star's arm. Star refused, and walked over to Marco and his girlfriend. "Star..!" Janna whispered, slowly chasing after her.

"Well hello! Didn't expect you two to be here, haha!" Star blurted. Jackie jumped a slight bit, tugging onto Marcos hoodie. "Oh, Star..." He replied, looking away from the blonde girl in front of him. "Yeah, well, me and Janna were just hanging out like usual because we are awesome buds and stuff y'know?" Instead of replying, Marco just stared at Jackie and shrugged. "Cool?" He said, his eyes squinting. "Look, star, I'm trying to spend some quality time with Jackie this afternoon so if you could go hang out with Janna again that would be-"
"You never hang out with me anymore!" Star shouted, her face filled with rage.
"Look, I'm sorry for yelling but really Marco...what happened to friendship Thursday? Fighting monsters? Movie nights while eating nachos?" She asked, her eyes tearing up.
"I miss that, Marco!"
No one had said anything. "Star I'm sorry but...please just accept the fact that I'm in a relationship with Jackie and I can't clone myself!" He replied, frowning slightly.
"But you don't have to..just hang out with me! At least once a week! But you haven't done it in almost a month!" She shouted, her voice raising. Tears started streaming down her cheeks. "I'm going..." Star murmured, running away. "S-star! Wait!" Janna called, but star kept running. And she wouldn't stop.

Janna shook her head, not even thinking about looking at either Jackie or Marco. "Now look what you did Marco" She said. "I..." Marco couldn't find the words, he didn't even know what to say. Without a fuss, Janna walked off, her hands in her pockets. "Later."

Janna strutted off around the corners of the streets to her home. She felt bad for Star, not being able to hang out with someone she was close to just because they got in a relationship. It must hurt. But Janna really wanted to prove to Star she could rely on her. She just sighed and kept going, her face only looking down to what was in front of her. "Someday" she whispered. "Someday."

Sorry for the short chapter :(
For those who don't know: Star doesn't have a crush on Marco in this story. She just wants to hang out with him again, which I think has been said numerous times. Anyway, make sure to vote!

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