Chapter 2 (to the Diaz house)

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Janna looked down at her desk and thought about what happened at lunch. "It was just a hug, Janna, don't get so worked up..." She whispered to herself. Was she developing a crush on Star? She had to be, that was one of the most weirdest feelings she'd ever felt. "She obviously doesn't feel the same, though..." She whispered again.

Star stood outside the detention room, waiting for Janna to get out so they could go out for the rest of the afternoon. "I sure hope she likes the idea..!" Star said to herself, smiling slightly. The bell finally rang, and Janna ran out, almost missing Star. "!" She she said excitedly. "School is over!" Star giggled, "Yeah janna, for the day!" Janna shrugged. "So?!" Star grabbed Janna's hands, making her blush again. "What do you say, we go out for the rest of the afternoon!" Star shouted with sparkles in her eyes. "Day out..?" Janna thought, staring at the magical princess in her light blue eyes. "As in..a date?" "Earth to Janna?" Star said, waving her arm in Janna's face. "A-ah, y-yes. Sure, sounds cool." Janna replied, turning her head so she could still act "cool." "Cool then! come on Janna, let's go to my place" The bubbly blonde smiled, taking Janna by the arm.

Star slammed the door open, still holding Janna's hand. "Marcooooo" Star said in her sing-song voice. Janna had been to the Diaz's place millions of times, it wasn't a surprise that it was extremely clean like usual. "So butterfly.." Janna said, her hand then wrapped around Star's wrist as she looked into her eyes. "..What do you think of doing first..?" Star smiled slightly, still gazing into Janna's eyes with a light pink face. "Well Janna...I really don't know..." Janna didn't know what to say back, she let go of Star's hand and thought. "Hm, well..Why don't we just go out and have fun?" She suggested. Star clapped her hands in delight. "Nice idea!" She clapped.

Marco had walked into the room with Jackie wrapped around his arm. "Hey guys!" He said, a smile on his face. "You won't believe how much fun me and Jackie did together! We went to the park, then we had ice cream together and totally ditched school, then we-" The teenage boy got interrupted by Star, who was about to walk right out of the door. "Blah blah this, blah blah that, sounds like ya had a blast, Marco! Now come and Janna! Lets go do our own thing." Star said, a huge smile across her face as she grabbed Janna by the hand once again.

To be continued! new chapter almost everyday, comment to get a follow :)

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