chapter 14; Good to worse

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Star came rushing down the stairs to Janna holding a few DVD's, her smile widening as she stared at her. "Hey, what's that?" Janna asked, sitting up on the couch and losing complete focus of her phone. "These are just some movies that I..wanted to watch with you.." The blonde princess replied, brushing her hair out of her eyes and behind her ear. Janna's mouth had made the shape of an 'O' as she dropped everything out of her hands and gestured Star to sit next to her. "Sure! I'd lo- i mean, like to watch a movie with you" she smiled. "Yay!" Star squeaked, jumping onto the couch and resting next to Janna.

She put in the DVD as they both watched the movie together, eating the left overs of the nachos that Janna had eaten. The movie was quite long, so as it went on the girls were starting to feel a bit sleepy. As Janna sat up on the couch next to a pillow, Star gently lay her head against her shoulder and smiled, a breeze of relaxation falling on top of them. Janna gazed at the dimensional princess in awe, her hands wrapped around her soft, golden hair. She only fell deeper in love with her face, personality, and overall everything about her, only wanting to be with her for the rest of eternity. Admiring Star's face was like looking up into the midnight sky and enjoying the sensation and mystery of the planets. The moon was her soul, but the star's were what surrounded her. And to Janna, Star was the sunlight to Janna's moon.

"Hey, Star.." Janna whispered softly. The young princess turned around. "Yes?" She asked. "Thanks for letting me stay."

Chirping sounds of birds echoed from outside, the beaming sunlight shining onto Janna's eyes. As her eyes slowly adapted to the light rays, she looked down to see Star still hugging her shoulders, sleeping peacefully. "She's so cute..!" She whispered, smiling. Looking to her left, her phone was still lying on the couch untouched. "Hopefully i got a text back from dad or mum.." She whispered to herself. Going through her messages, she felt her face light up and a smile run across her face when she see's a new message from her dad.

Dad: Hey Jan. I saw your messages and i wanted you to know we are ok but mum got into a bit of a car accident and injured but she will be fine. Is it ok if you stay at your friends place for a few more days? Since i'm very busy and i have to visit ur mum at the hospital it will help me out

Janna looked away from her screen and felt her heart skip a beat, her phone slowly sliding out of her hands. Her body was stiff, the only thing moving was the sweat rolling down her face. "T-this can't be real.." She stuttered. "hm..?" Star mumbled, lifting her head off Janna's lap. "Janna? What's wrong?" Star asked, her hand on Janna's shoulder for support. "M-my mum..She got into a car accident.." She said, staring into the wall with an alarmed face. Star gasped, her hand covering her mouth. "Oh no! Is she okay?" Star asked, her expression changing quickly. Janna turned her head to Star and shrugged. "Dad said she was injured and in hospital, thank goodness she's still alive.." Tears started to sting her eyes, slowly but gradually. Star shuffled over and hugged Janna tight, making Janna forget about the situation and smile, hugging the blonde back. "You'll be okay, Janna! and if anyone hurts you, i'll narwhale blast them in the face." Janna chuckled and smiled. "Yeah, thats because you're super cool" She laughed. Star fell on the couch, laying down next to Janna laughing hysterically. "You're super cool, Janna" she giggled. Janna smiled. "Not as cool as you."

I actually got a new chapter finished in a week, good job me :,) Anyways, this chapter would maybe be one of my favorites that i've written and if you enjoyed, make sure to vote and add to your reading list :D That will be all from me, i'll be back with another chapter in a week!! (hopefully lmao)

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