~Old Friends~

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Aphmau's POV

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You may think you believe something—the mind is a powerful adversary. 

But my friends...we humans, in all our glorious acuity, only believe what we see. Like fools. 

I haven't seen Aaron in over a decade.

Those are the facts.

I stopped believing years ago.

I have medicine.

That's all I need.

I think.

I snatch up my bus card while trying to simultaneously pull the strap of my bag over my shoulder and try to adjust my raven locks to look semi-decent, leaving a lone, stubborn strand obscuring my vision.

Impeccable start, Aphmau, as always.

I scurry out of my quaint Georgian house towards the eerie bus station, the chilled dawn breeze skimming my exposed skin as I walked.

Phoenix Drop always seemed to be cold, no matter the season. It just habitually held a harrowing chill, no matter which heated corner you escaped to.

I board the bus with rehearsed quickness, taking a sequestered seat by the window.

I lean against the windowsill—paying no mind to rationale of how filthy the surface must be—observing the passing world before me.

Today, this world beamed in a different light—a novel way.

The anticipation of what I have been working towards for 8 years surged through every fiber of my being—which became abruptly aware of someone taking the seat beside me.

I don't show that I notice, but their blatant, scrutinizing gaze triggers some trepidation. 

"Aphmau?" A whisper, but unmistakably familiar.

My Irene, Katelyn?!

I turn around to see if my thoughts were true. 

"Katelyn?" I venture, incredulous, a smile tugging at my lips.

We joined in a shocked hug without another word, my face smashed in the midst of her distinct powder-blue hair.

"Its—It's been so long!" I exclaim, pulling away, my smile still at large due to the reappearance of my childhood best friend who had left Phoenix Drop all those years ago.

"I know! I haven't seen you since middle school! Wait, oh gods, how's Aaron?" She asks—assumes—slyly, barely restrained sass in her words.

My smile disappears all too quickly as I stiffen; I remember now.

She left before Aaron did.

Katelyn must have picked up on the sudden change as her smile faded as well.

"Did you guys—break up?" She ask, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

The bus halted to a stop with an aching squeak, in front of the hospital.

"No." I laconically respond, forcing a smile.

I start to depart the bus—admittedly too quickly to seem casual— when I notice Katelyn on my heels.

"Is this your stop?" I ask curiously, trying to move past her question as I took a few steps onto the sidewalk.

"Oh yes. Surprise, surprise—I got my shit together and now I'm starting my internship at Phoenix Grace today." Katelyn states, beaming with familiar pride. 

Well, smack my ass and call me, Judy. 

"Oh my gods, KATELYN!! SO AM I!" I shriek without care for my volume, tangible joy returning to my expression.

"Really?! Oh thank Ms. Irene herself—oh wow, this means we get to work together!" She exclaims with reciprocated excitement.

We continue to catch up about our lives—a formidable warmth which finally rivaled Phoenix Drop's chill saturating my chest—as we walk towards the doors of Phoenix Grace, and the unknown future.

Have a nice day my crystals!

You're My Medicine ~Aarmau AU~ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now