~Her Fear~

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Second of all, please prepare yourselves.

This part is taking on a whole new level of dark.

Aphmau's POV

*Play Song*

To my surprise, I enter the X-Ray room, to find Aaron hunched over a table covered in medical files. The usually neatly stacked folders were strewn across the surface haphazardly.

Weird, I thought he was out of town.

Ah, well, at least I can talk to him about Lily's warning.

For some reason, he looked...different. The tone of the room was so ominous that I couldn't help but feel something was off.

"Hey, Aaron...I need to talk to you about something—"

The sudden hostility of his voice startled me enough to inhale sharply—hostility I'd never heard nor seen from him before.

"What do you want, Aphmau." He sneers at me, an unusual scowl on his face as he turns towards me.

"Aaron. You okay?" My face showing concern as I inch closer to him, my body not realizing yet that it was probably not the best idea.

"No, I'm not okay, Aphmau. It's not like you would care."

What the hell is wrong with him?

He's never this fierce.

"Aaron, you're acting differently." I state, hesitantly getting closer to him as trepidation creeps up my throat.

"Yeah, well, maybe this is just me!"

He's also acting a bit—dumber. Nothing he was saying was making any sense. He was just...mean.

"Aaron, even though this may not be the best time to tell you this, I feel I shouldn't keep this from you any longer. I'm pregnant." I say with a small smile.





Something instantly changed in him. His whole body tensed further, jaw so taut it looked like it might break, his gaze darkening with something indistinguishable.

"What." His voice was low and harsh, as if anger had gotten caught in his throat.

"Lily was telling me something about you not wanting kids?" I ask, now standing right next to him.

He was also shorter, the skin tone on his hands a lot paler, although this could be from how tightly his fists were clenched.

What happened to him?

Then....something unexpected happens.

Something I never saw coming.

Should I have seen it coming?

I'll never know.

He violently grabs me by the throat and pins me on the wall, his grip strong, but weaker than I last remember.

The bruising thrust to the wall had already left me breathless to start with but I continue to choke on air, his unusually calloused hand holding me high on the wall, leaving my feet dangling.

You're My Medicine ~Aarmau AU~ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now