~Her Thoughts~

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Aphmau's POV

*Play Song*

I consider the chilling winter world outside my bedroom window, observing the cars zooming and the people strolling by. A world of people just doing their business in such a systematic way.

I was lying on my bed, still comfortably snuggled in my Christmas sheets, as it was never too early for Christmas in my book. 

Aaron stirs slightly in his sleep, his arms still wrapped around me protectively—possessively. His body spooning mine.

It'd be hard to ignore the surge joy that pulls at my heart and the crooked grin at my lips.

He's with me now—chosen me, finally. 

He's my boyfriend, now. Something I only dreamed about—cried myself to sleep about. 

Everything I ever wanted since I was young...

Well, not exactly everything...yet ;).

All the pain I suffered—all those times of anguish I lived through.

Was all worth it, for even just this moment.

Now I know...

Storms don't last forever.

They may ruin your day—make you feel as if it couldn't ever get better.

But when that first ray of shining sunlight slips through the cracks of the clouds...you remember all that is good.

And all that is good—could trump all that is bad, any weather...

Any day...


"Morning." Aaron yawns, pulling me closer so my back got a more textured feel for his muscular, shirtless body.

"Morning." I repeat, swinging around from the window to face him.

He had a wide smile on his face, bringing up one of his hands to caresses my cheek with his fingertips lightly.

"What are you smiling at?" I jokingly ask, resting my hand on his.

"I always wake up smiling, and I think it's your fault," He remarks.

"Sorry?" Still smiling, still feeling the joy.

As a response, he gently kisses me. As response goes, there's been worse.

I deepen the kiss, my fingers grasping the baby hairs at the nape of his neck.

"Hey, Aph, breakfast is ready—GAH!" Katelyn had come into the room, unaware that Aaron had stayed the night, screaming her infamous wail that comes whenever she catches us—like this.

Her body acting of its own accord, Katelyn grabs her plate of breakfast and subconsciously smacks her face with it, the food dripping down her clothes.

She then removes the plate covering her face, revealing her oil and egg covered facial features and a very unamused expression.

"Ay, Katelyn, you got a little—" Aaron taps his cheek, referring to her food-covered face.

"Yeah and Aaron, you got a little—" Katelyn taps her cheek as well, but with her middle finger.

She then rushes out of the room, leaving the remaining food still on the floor, Katelyn certainly showing no interest in cleaning it.

Aaron and I share a humorous glance before losing ourselves to intense laughter shortly afterward.

After recovering from the hardcore laughter, we resort to a shared prolonged gaze, causing both of us to blush, but we didn't care.

"I love you." He says with no sense of hesitation, brushing away one of my hairs away from my face.

"I love you too, with all my boobs." I comment, my face becoming redder at the odd words that just came out of my mouth.

"What?" Aaron chuckles. 

"I would say my heart, but my boobs are bigger." I remark, trying to back up my odd statement, ultimately making the whole matter worse.

We both fall back into our laughing tantrums. 

"Well, you ain't wrong." He smirks, coyly.

I hit playfully him with my pillow, pulling in my lower lip as I shook my head at the idiot.




We eventually both come out of my room, finding Travis and Garroth sitting at the dining table with an assortment of different breakfast items before them.

Sitting next to Garroth, looked to be one of the other interns in our program.

Aaron and I both take a seat at the table, seeing how Katelyn was not at the table since she had already technically eaten.

"Well hello there. My name is Aphmau, I think I've seen you around Phoenix Grace......." I greet the orange hair girl, who has a smart choice of bacon and scrambled eggs before her.

"Yeah, I'm an intern this year as well. My name is Cadenza, my brother, Laurence, Lucinda's husband, works as a resident there as well......" She says with a heavy accent that makes every word she says exotic.

"Wow, that's amazing......although it's probably not that fun having your brother as your boss right?" I remark as I stuff my face with Katelyn's recipe of over salted eggs.

"You can say that again, oh and by the way, I'm Garroth's girlfriend......"

The room sounds with the clash of my falling utensil against my place. I raise an eyebrow suspiciously, then switch to giving Garroth the death stare.

Garroth's eyes widen in fear, Travis leaning back in a cocky manner, happily anticipating the following actions.

"Ooooohoho.....you done messed up my man...." Travis pats his roommate on the shoulder as if saying a quick and final farewell.

"Garroth......" I growl, my voice deep with severity.

"Nice knowing, ya man......" Aaron says, resting his arm on the back of Aphmau's chair, in the same boat as Travis.

"Yeah?" Garroth meeps out, his voice hitting a frequency too high for comfort.

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND!! WHY WOULDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" I exclaim with rage and the feeling of utmost betrayal.

"Uh, babe?" Aaron says nonchalantly.

"Yeah?" My voice now suddenly calm, diverting my now soft gaze to him.

"What you just did, right there, is the reason why he didn't tell you......."

I then turn back to Garrroth, who nods his head slowly with widened eyes of terror.

"Ugh fine, I like Cadenza anyway......"

Everyone in the room exhales in relief.


Everyone then breathes back in, the room completely silent and practically drained of air. The only sound being the whooshing of the wind outside.

Well, that is until everyone bursts out laughing.

Storms don't last forever......

This is true......but what is also true.

Is that the sun.....is always there....

Even when you can't see it.....

It'll always......be there for you....

I know that the sun might disappear one day but you get the metaphor right?

Brought back some aarmau moments.

Have a nice day my crystals!

You're My Medicine ~Aarmau AU~ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now