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Aphmau's POV

*Play Song*

"Are you sure this is the best plan?" I inquire, rubbing my shoulders nervously.

"Though this may not be the easiest path for Lilith, its her only hope at complete recovery" Melissa informs Aaron and I.

Melissa is Aaron's sister, we brought her in from out of town to take over Lilith's case.

Melissa, like Aaron, is a neurosurgeon, and Aaron being Lilith's father now, could not perform any medical procedures on her due to hospital rule.

Aaron was slowly shaking his head, massaging his temples with his fingertips.

I was biting my lip, trying to ease my conscious and tell myself this is the only way.

This is the only way she can get better.....

"She will need routine radiation and chemo therapy until the tumor is at a proper stage for surgery then I will remove the whole cancer"

"Melissa, she's five years old! There must be another...." Aaron argues, but Melissa interrupts him.

"Aaron, ask yourself the very question you are about to ask me, do you seriously think I wouldn't try and do the best I could for my niece?" Melissa stares at Aaron, stress in her eyes.

Aaron exhales, turning back to Melissa.

"I'm sorry its just.......she's going to be in so much pain......."

I turn to Aaron, resting my palm on his cheek.

"She will be in pain Aaron....and we will help her through that.....but this is the only way she will survive......she's a strong girl.......she will make it through..."

He grins, using his thumb to stroke my chin softly.

"You're right, as usual" He leans in to kiss my forehead, sending warmth throughout my body.

"Aww you guys are so cute! EEEE...oh sorry........I get like that sometimes" She laughs at herself, smacking her forehead.

"It's okay Melissa, you should see some of.....woah...." I am interrupted from a loud pounding feeling arising in my abdomen, my face displaying much concern.

I grimace, my hand moving to my slightly swollen abdomen.

"Aph? What's wrong? What's going on? Aph?" Aaron asks panically, noticing my current expression.

My body was too pumped of fear that my thoughts were too clouded to think of anything.

My heart racing and my brain bursting.

What was going on?

No no.....

This can't be happening.

"Aaron! Aaron! Something is wrong I don't know........" The pounding keeps thundering in my stomach.

".......She's kicking....." Melissa calmly says, smiling to the both of us.

"Sh...she is?" My body calming down.


She can.....kick...

Aaron places his palm against my belly, right next to where mine was.

We both become startled and laugh when we feel the pounding again.

Her little strong feet kicking against the inside of my belly.

"Its....amazing...." Aaron observes, a smile spreading on his face.

"It is.......it truly is" I go on the tip of my toes to kiss him, happiness flowing throughout my system.

Both our girls are going to be okay.....

Or are they?

Have a nice day my crystals!

You're My Medicine ~Aarmau AU~ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now