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Aphmau's POV

*Play Song*

I manage the bare minimum of flinging myself from the room's doorway—ever-so-gracefully—making sure I was out of his possible sight. 

What was he doing here?!

He moved to Falconclaw. He moved, picked up his whole life and left. He ceased to exist except in my heart and poignant memory. 

I-I don't understand...

My breaths adapted a sharper pattern, my body still being rather difficult as my chest felt heavy with emotion.

Why was he the attending, of all people, gods.

All I ask is why, Irene. I felt I've been good. Did my share of community service, was a kind soul, decided to save lives for a living. So what in tarnation—apparently an old soul—have I done to warrant this?!

Medicine was the only thing that distracted me from him.

Wait, maybe I'm wrong. I could definitely be wrong. I could be sick, ill—adequately delusional. Maybe my trusty sushi joint provided me with a bad batch of sashimi at my dinner last night. 

Maybe it's just a look-a-like. Maybe it's just an ordinary man and I'm the batshit crazy one.

Well, only one way to find out. 

I reluctantly regained function as I shuffle into the room, dropping my head so my hair conveniently covered my facial features—as if anyone ever found them worthy of remembering. 

I hear the attending's voice, scarily comforting in its similarity.

Although, it felt...different. Like a puzzle missing key pieces to make out the image. 

It's not him...

"...Welcome Interns, this is Molly Ray. Molly is in with a presumed inoperable tumor, but that's a relative term around here, so we're going to try to remove it, right Molly?" The attending asks with a reassuring smile, a hand making its home on the patient's shoulder. 

"To the best of your ability, Doctor. Try not to kill me, will ya?"

Slight laughter ripples through the group, The attending gesturing to Dr. Bailey to take over. 

"We observed Molly's scans, and we found that there is a way to avoid hitting the motor cortex while extracting the whole tumor with clean margins." 

The attending nods, giving the patient a quick goodbye before dismissing the group of doctors, the crowd filing out of the room in a flurry of white coats and scrubs. 

Even if the attending wasn't Aaron...

He was HOT.

As we file out of the room accordingly, I barely notice the attending conversing with Lucinda. 

"Bailey, send one of your ducklings to get Molly's labs." 

Oh yeah, for reference, being an intern is kindred to being a freshman in high school.

Dr. Bailey surveys her new pool of lab rats—and for some epic reason that I will curse Irene for later—decides to point at me.

"Phoenix, go." She barks as she proceeds to command the rest of my peers.

Which, although subtle, caused an almost imperceptible waver in the attending's expression. 

And just because my body felt like it, I feel sudden heat seep up my neck, threatening to make an appearance at my cheeks.

With my boss's order in mind and limited options to avoid embarrassment, I practically sprint down the hallway, trying to hide my blushing face.

Damn it—god freaking damn it.

Every time I see that attending...

I'll see him, Aaron......goddamnit Lycan.....

Have a nice day my crystals!

You're My Medicine ~Aarmau AU~ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now