~Wait For Me~

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Third Person View

"Oh my Irene—no." Aphmau says with a reasonable level of sass, her lips curling in amusement.

"Oh c'mon, we are about to finish our first overnight shift and you want to start the next day sober?" Travis asks incredulously. 

 "Apparently, so." She chides but not without a bright smile, looking back down at her patient's chart while shaking her head.

"Fine then—Katelyn!" He calls, making Katelyn give him a curious raised eyebrow.

"Dante's?" He questions with a tone of sin, leaning against the locker, arms crossed, a sudden toothpick dancing between his teeth.

"3." Garroth counts down.

"2." Aphmau continues.

"1." Katelyn ends.

Seconds later, there was a loud, man-girlish scream.

Both Garroth and Aphmau fail to contain their laughter, a small tint of pink flushing Garroth's pale cheeks at his cute colleague's giggles.

The interns were all doing charts in the locker room during—as Travis chastely stated—their first ever exhausting night shift, all of them trying to keep the others from falling into a much wanted slumber.

It had been an shift, interesting and sadly, heartbreaking.

Particularly for Aphmau.

"Hey guys, I was wondering..." Aphmau trails off, working her lip nervously. "...if you guys wanted to be my roommates." Aphmau suggests, wary of the consequences of this action, but also of her monthly bills.

"Oh my Irene—it's like we always wanted, Aph!" Katelyn beams, referring to our childhood dreams of one day living together—filled with breakfast-for-dinners and endless movie marathons.

"I'm—in." Travis meeps out, his voice strained from the pain inflicted on him by Katelyn.

"That sounds pretty good to me." Garroth answers, infected also with the grinning disease.

"Wait—does that mean I have to pay rent?" Travis questions, cautiously sitting at the opposite side of the room of Katelyn.

We all undergo our own versions of smacking-our-foreheads.

This is going to be an ongoing trend.

The door hinges suddenly creak open, making the interns jump like startled kittens.

A woman enters the room, an unfortunately familiar woman.

Aphmau's smile fades as she enters—all tall and slim, like she just stepped off the runway. Unwarranted jealously panged in Aphmau's chest. 

It was the woman Aaron was talking with.

She had wavy locks of silky, chocolate-brown hair done up in an aesthetically pleasing bun, while also sporting undeniably...pink scrubs.

Representing O.B/G.Y.N.

That's her—that's his wife.

"Okay, Interns, if you do not know already, I'm Dr. Lily Mary Lycan. I am the chief of O.B/G.Y.N here at Phoenix Grace and I will be working with you all in the coming years."

Yeah, its definitely her. They way she sported her last name had Aphmau stifling a wince. 

Aphmau subtly drops her head, struggling to hold back the tears threatening to make an appearance.

"Lucky for one of you, an intern will be chosen to be on my service for a week, and help little itty babies be born."

"This intern will be—Aphmau Phoenix."


Have a nice day my crystals!

You're My Medicine ~Aarmau AU~ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now