~The Aftermath~

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Aaron's POV

*Play Song*

I'm a terrible person. A clearly, certifiably terrible person.

I mean, what was I thinking?

Not really the thing with Aphmau, despite not feeling guilt-free because I would never consider myself an adulterer . 

But the thing with Lily.

Why did I marry her?

I mean I tried to love her, and I'm pretty sure I did...

It was a convenient kind of love, a safe one. Or so I thought... 

But whatever it was, it was certainly not the way I love Aph.

Just by seeing her again—gods.

It got rushed me with feelings I hadn't felt since I last saw her and had convinced myself since, was just a bad case of puppy love. Dreams of a boy I'd grown out of, but clearly I'm still that boy—at my core, I always will be.

And it didn't help that she was—My Irene—even more beautiful now than when we were kids. 

Physically and mentally—and emotionally, I think

Who knew she would become a doctor too—well, she always did have a big heart. 

I inhale deeply, failing at trying to prepare myself for the wrath of my crazy, jealous wife, which I very much deserved.

Adultery, whatever the stakes, is still adultery. I am a sinner in that regard—and in many others.

I unlock the door to my house, waltzing into an ominous silence, the lone sound of the antique door hinges creaking into the vacantness. 

I take a brief look around at the room I was in, admiring the memories I made here—the life I had with Lily.

But they are nothing compared to the one I had and will have with Aphmau. And I owe the both of them the truth—I've wasted enough time as it is. 

Something this right, of course, does come with its consequences of being wrong in some aspects. Like, well, infidelity.

I vowed to myself as I child I would never be this kind of husband, but I also promised I would never be in a marriage like this.

No excuses—just tell her.

Why did it have to be this way?

"Lily?" I call out into the sleeping house. I would expect she is still out at her yoga class, but the lights were on and her coat...

Her coat...was strewn across the floor in a haphazard manner....as was another—recognizable one.

Curiousness as well as foreboding pounds in my gut as I climb our stairs measurably, observing the train of disposed of articles of clothing...each progressively becoming more and more revealing.

Once atop the stairs, I plant a shaky hand on the doorknob, scrunching my eyes closed as I heard noises that just clarified what I had been imaging in my head. I finally muster up the courage to open the door to our room to find what I had been suspecting.

It didn't make it hurt any less, but I had no room to talk.

"Aaron!" Lily shrieks, covering herself up with the blankets—our blankets.

You're My Medicine ~Aarmau AU~ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now